- Calixto: May God grant you safe passage on all your journeys ahead. May you find companions worthy of your dreams. May your plans always be bold, and may your courage rise to meet them. May you live to bring the love of God to all the corners of the earth, to the most distant peripheries of His Church. And may your passion always burn brightly - that in God's time, you may set the world on fire.
- Inquisitor Figueroa: We have enough scholars and poets. Perhaps in this age what the Church needs is the mind of a soldier. We are called the Church Militant, after all.
- Iñigo de Loyola: I once asked a man to break my leg, so that it would heal and be whole again. For the same reason, I needed God to break my spirit. Fortunately, God is a much better surgeon than man.
- Father Sanchez: The Church has always been broken. But the Church is alive. And to stay alive we must learn to listen. To people like him. People willing to face the front lines and lead the Church where it fears to go.
- Iñigo de Loyola: The French gave me this limp, and this limp brought me to God. Probably the French can do something with my head.
- Iñigo de Loyola: When one is released from a death sentence, life suddenly looks completely different.