Yes, this is a sexploitation movie. But pretty much the only thing going for this movie is the attractive female lead. Everything else about the movie is pretty bad, and the acting is about on the level you would find in an average porn movie. I do tend to be pretty forgiving about movies like this because I enjoy sincere efforts to make movies with a low budget. I don't even mind the types of shortcuts this type of film necessitates. But this film is mostly just unsatisfying. At its heart it is a basic revenge tale, a woman defeated by her circumstances who is normally docile but gets forced to her limits and pushed into a situation she no longer can tolerate without answering back. The setup for this plot is tolerable and reasonably well done. But as the plot escalates, some of the tension gets lost and the revenge scenario doesn't really satisfy as a culmination of the frustrations and angst suffered by the main character. The revenge part is almost too clearly spelled out and feels sort of transactional - something was missing, like the raw animal savagery of depravity satiated; that feeling just wasn't there. The film doesn't successfully manage tension, expectations, etc like a good horror movie should.