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Pork Pie (2017) Poster


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It's a remake. What else do you expect?
NikTesla10 December 2017
As a standalone movie it is OK, although the character development is somewhat lacking. It was a bit hard to connect to the main character.

Some nice scenery shots but the trip through this beautiful country we call New Zealand was disjointed with little to identify the locations.

It didn't have the same feeling as the original. The silliness that made Goodbye Pork Pie a fun film just wasn't present there for me.
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Kiwi Romp
warren-232-9348626 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pork Pie is fun Kiwi movie road/car chase that doesn't take itself too seriously. At times the storyline wavers a little, by and large its a fun filled ride through the typical great NZ countryside- particularly outback South Island. Wayward would-be boy racer Luke lacks a car, but manages to 'borrow' a racey Mini Cooper from a dubious car wrecking yard. Fleeing Auckland, he narrowly avoids running down failed writer Jon, who is struggling to forget the love of his life he unexplainably left at the alter. When Jon's beat up car dies on him - he accepts a ride with Luke, and the car chasing/police avoidance soon begins. Stopping for a burger in a funny scene Keira the drive through burger operator girl opts to throw in her job and join the lads, hoping to get to Wellington where she has arranged an anti animal cruelty/meat for burgers type rally. Some great chase scenes around the capital, eventually see's the trio escape across cook straight hidden along with their escape car in a conveniently empty rail-way wagon. By now Jon has learnt his lost love is in Invercargill, so that's their destination - meanwhile Keira has been streaming action clips trying to get support for her animal cruelty campaign, unaware its gone viral. The chase intensifies in the mid-Canterbury/Otago regions, a very funny scene with a guy keen to join the now infamous trio - as the rush to Invercargill somehow continues. Not an amazing film but good fun and worth the admission ; the humour by and large is directed at Kiwi's, so perhaps those not born /bred in the Shaky Isles may miss some of it, but I'm sure you will still find it entertaining.
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Not atop the anti-hero genre but still an enjoyable escapist New Zealand romp
danieljfarthing17 September 2022
In debut writer/director Matt Murphy's 2017 action-drama "Pork Pie" (remaking 1980's iconic "Goodbye Pork Pie") James Rolleston, Dean O'Gorman & Ashleigh Cummings (each in a personal crisis) come together in a stolen Mini Cooper S revving from New Zealand's North Island to the foot of it's South, attracting increasing police & media attention as they rise in prominence like modern Bonnie & Clydes. Performances are fresh (esp Rolleston & O'Gorman) and the film particularly showcases the car & NZ's beautiful countryside (as a fine sales job for both). While not atop the anti-hero genre, it's still an enjoyable escapist romp.
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First ever kiwi remake and better than the first
filmmagnet2 February 2017
The original movie Goodbye Pork Pie (1981) really kicked off the New Zealand film industry to becoming what it is today. While Sleeping Dogs (1977) had been the first homegrown picture to be released outside the country, this movie along with Smash Palace later in the year became the first major domestic hits. The fact that a beloved old title is getting the remake treatment could be seen as a coming of age of sorts for the NZ film industry but from what I've heard people seem to have mixed feelings as a lot of people deeply love the first and feel a remake would tarnish it despite the fact it's a labour of love from Matt Murphy (son of Geoff of the original fame). I didn't love the first as much as some and feel that the new one maintains the irreverent spirit while stepping up a gear in the action and comedy departments. A series of bizarre events lead to three misfits being chased in a stolen yellow mini across the country, a guy who's struggling to complete a novel and reconnect with his ex, a young Maori delinquent and a young female vegan activist. If you haven't seen the original you probably haven't seen anything quite like it and even if you have seen the original there are some cool updated elements. The upcoming James Rolleston has appeared in several well received projects (still only 19) but is currently recovering after being nearly killed in a horrific car accident shortly after filming. Hope he is up and acting again before too long. I think this movie should be able to strike a chord with overseas viewers as Hunt for the Wilderpeople did although it's not as good as the latter.
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No plot
tcommetrampoline17 February 2017
So I'm not from NZ and haven't seen the original movie. With this in mind, I totally wasted 2 hours of my life and 10$, because this movie basically has no plot, and "the important moments" are so poor and meaningless. The sceneries are beautiful, but for these you would better watch a documentary about NZ nature. And yeah there's a lot of car pursuit, if that's your thing....
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rthomp-86 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We are a couple of Brits and have just a fantastic two week holiday in NZ.

On the 31st of January we drove from Queenstown to Invercargill on what is known as the Southern Scenic Route. We shouldn't have bothered - it rained all day and the winds were high. We arrived in Invercargill and checked into our hotel and thought 'why on earth have we come here?'.

We checked out the cinema opposite the hotel and the next day they were showing Lion at 3.15pm. We really wanted to see this.

The next morning was much brighter and we went to the hardware store (no. 1 on Tripadvisor) and to the Botanic Gardens (magnificent). We made our way back to the cinema at 3.15. I said two tickets for Lion please. The lady said, it's not on. I said it's still showing as being on on the schedule on the counter. She said, it's been cancelled - we've cleared the schedules for the premiere of Pork Pie this evening.

We were a bit hacked off by this and we'd never heard of Pork Pie. So we went back to our room and watched the trailer and we decided to see if tickets were available. We had to go to the City Hall for them, but we got two. So we turned up for the red carpet event - rarely seen in Invercargill. It was a great occasion. There were minis everywhere. People had driven from the north of north island all the way to this southern tip of the south island. The stars of the film made brief speeches. And then we settled down to watch it.

We loved it. It's a lot of fun with great humour all the way through. It deserves to do well. My only regret is it's not due for release in the UK - I think it would go down well here. I want to see it again.

We'll always remember it and the city. We took our bl***y hire car to Invercargill!
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The wonderful character Jon
osan-1622221 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one kiwi movie you could watch more than once. I know I will .One with humour to make you laugh out loud a touch of sadness causing a tear or two all in the name of getting to his true love. The story line and the acting to make us all believe that we're along on this journey too.Stages we were all laughing out loud.clapping.Loved certain parts of the movie to the point it was like being so real you wanted to yell RUN out loud. To get reactions like this takes a great movie and great actors making you believe .Yes and to get the huge applause's at the ending of this movie says it all in my book -For an actor to make you want him to succeed on getting to his girl no matter how many laws he breaks takes a prize in making this film great.A rouge - Yes but you fall in love with him and his mates along this epic journey - Oh yes you do. How could you not love him Jon was a perfect person to act this part - All the hard work and long hours of the director Matt Murphy and the producer Tom Hern - film crews and all others involved in making this movie truly what is is has paid off with an award winner - A jolly good movie to go to see so I say go watch it and see for yourselves you will love it and best of all it's New Zealand shows our beautiful country side . everyone is talking about it who have seen it so far
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This movie was bad, and thankfully forgettable.
simonmoon13 December 2017
I did not like this movie for many reasons. I wanted to like it. I read a review that described it as sleek, kinetic and eye-catching retooling of the 1981 film Goodbye Pork Pie. It's kinetic and looks professionally made, but the plot, writing, and characters are not good. I found myself mostly annoyed with the story. New Zealand has exported much better culture. In fact this is the worst thing I have seen come out of New Zealand. If you want to see a good independent movie from New Zealand, that looks great see,"Chronesthesia" (2016). It's much better than this.
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All in all, Pork Pie lived up to the expectations I held it to, and then some.
honestly222 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I come fresh from the cinema having just seen this film and wow, it is beyond brilliant. I've only recently seen the original (I'm 21, cut me some slack), so I went into this perhaps expecting a 100% remake of the original, but it wasn't.

It was much better than expected. The film is adapted for a completely new audience, and its fresh and refreshing for having been so different to the original. We have an eccentric trio of characters, each bringing to the table something wholesome and believable.

In true millennial fashion we have Keira, this generations Shirl. Keira is a vegan, and an avid protester against live exporting of animals. While Keira may have strong beliefs, it's evident that this isn't a film with an agenda. Keiras vegan-ism is a character trait, and a way to provide us with some genuinely funny moments.

On the other end of the scale, we have Luke, a young man of Maori decent with a pretty sad past. Luke repeals and replaces Gerry from the original film, and I honestly think Luke is the better character. Luke is intelligent, but a drifter in life since his mother died, leading him into a life of fast cars and easy (illegal) money.

Lastly we have Jon, who replaces, er, John. This generations Jon is essentially a younger version of the original- except maybe without the covert sexism, which is probably just a summary of the entire film.

At its heart, Pork Pie is really a modern take on the original, but it stands on its own two feet as well. Pork Pie provides its characters with genuine substance, and a solid backstory. None of this is shoehorned in and it plays out naturally, allowing the audience to feel as if they too are one of the gang, finding out information as the other characters do. The story paces well, albeit with a few minor lapses in story somewhere in the middle.

All in all, Pork Pie lived up to the expectations I held it to, and then some.

Watch it. Now.
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What you get when you remake a film without understanding the appeal of the original
totallyskux2 February 2023
In 1975 NZ elected a conservative Government led by the extremely polarising figure of Robert Muldoon. The traditional rugby, racing and beer, pakeha dominated society of NZ was in in a collision course with a younger liberal NZ .The original movie Goodbye Pork was released in 1980 and a year later NZ was being ripped apart by anti apartheid protest over a South African Rugby Tour. Indigenous Maori were starting to mobilise ,protesting and occupying land that had been illegally confiscated by the Europeans over the previous 150 years' The country in many ways resembled a eastern european autocracy with the state controlling most elements of NZers lives. Goodbye Pork Pie with its irreverence ,anarchic disregard for the rules and rebellion against authority perfectly captured the countries conflicted nature 30 years on and the social context has completely changed . What was once youthful rebellion now looks like narcissistic youths on the rampage. A narrative that was once pointed now seems pointless. Its a pity because the cast are perfectly agreeable and James Rolleston the lead has done some outstanding work previously. Sadly the filmmakers are clearly confused in thinking the original success was based on car chases and being a hoon.

It escapes me why the NZ Film commission would fund this movie over other more contemporary ideas. It was perhaps the need to spend funding before the fiscal year or it allowed some advantageous tax breaks. Who knows?
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Probably the best film ever to come out of NZ
andy-ross1121 February 2017
Goodbye Pork Pie, the original movie was (and is) such an iconic film. It may have been made in the late 70's/early 80's, but it's one of those films which is a timeless classic. Normally, you leave such films as they are and don't even think about remaking them. For me, films like 'The Italian Job' are so iconic and making a new version just doesn't seem right.

However, sometimes against the odds, the new film is even better than the original.

The director of the new Pork Pie movie, is the son of the Director of the original Pork Pie, so having that important family connection meant that they wanted to do a good job and do justice to the original film.

They also had a bigger budget, and boy did they do a great job.

The film is funny, gripping, and entertaining.

The casting is spot on, the acting is superb and the story-line is perfect.

This film needs a worldwide release! You don't need to be a Kiwi to understand the humour, it's incredibly well written, acted & very funny.

I hope it's a HUGE success!
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I'm a Dean O'Gorman fan... but not for this.
LeatherCajun17 February 2023
This feels like it wants to be a teen-hijinks movie ... but the lead looks every one of his 40 years .... (very handsome nonetheless), his story is not explained and the whole film is thus inexplicable. Works on no levels.

If you're from New Zealand, maybe it makes sense...but it just doesn't for outsiders.

Mad cap rule breaking adventures need some reason or rational for beginning...and this just doesn't provide it.

Watch anything else with Dean instead...even the Hobbit. I know living where there is little indie films made is tough...but do better than this...really. I will continue to look for more Dean.
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Fantastic fun
muamba_eats_toast12 February 2019
Having never seen the original or even heard of this I absolutely loved it tons of laughs as well as great chases and enough of a storyline to get by. The most I've laughed watching a film in a while a complete hidden gem!
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What's not to like? -brilliant!
peteangcongdon22 February 2017
A must see - 328 locals attended the Regent in Taumarunui on 11th February- for us - a full house. This was a Volunteer Fire Brigade fundraiser for our small town. The creators of this movie would have been proud if they had been sitting in the audience. This is an original Cinema which is breathing fresh life again in to the Cinema experience. The locals laughed, cringed, clapped and so thoroughly enjoyed the movie that it was applauded at the end. Well done creators for once again capturing what makes New Zealand a little bit special.
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A feel good Thriller
arunchedathara4 November 2017
I don't know how to describe the genre of this movie. It can be called a feel good movie, Thriller movie or comedy! Actually it has all the elements. Its a fun film and it has a realistic feel good treatment. But it's thrilling. "Pork pie" is not an edge of the seat thriller or crime thriller. It's a nice thriller. It keeps the viewer engaged.

Basically it is a road movie. Three people in a cute yellow mini cooper are traveling from one place of New Zealand to another place which is far away. But they are not friends and they didn't start the journey together. Also initially they have no specific mission. The movie just stats and then it get it's pace.

It has some thrilling chase sequences and lots of nice scenes. Almost every scene has something to entertain the viewers. Acting of every actor – the main and supporting cast -in the film was superb. That is very enjoyable to watch.

It is the remake of Kiwi classic film "good bye pork pie" which was directed by Geoff Murphy in 1981. The interesting fact is that, Pork Pie (2017) was directed by his son Matt Murphy. I watched this movie without any expectation. I just started watching and watched till the end in single stretch. It was a very refreshing experience for me. After a point I was really involved and their missions became mine too. That right 'mate'. PS: use subtitles because their accent is little difficult to understand sometimes
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Classic Kiwi Humour
r_keay21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start. I LOVED Goodbye Pork Pie & made sure my son saw it. So when I saw it was being remade I wasn't sure if it would work, but my hopes grew when I saw many familiar family names in the writer's & crew. Then to see the cast, I was even more sure. I was so excited to get some of the last Tickets to the premier, where I thought walking the yellow carpet was the best thing. But now I know I was wrong, I have been telling everyone I can to see the movie & telling those that don't they are losers. I laughed so much, I cried, it took me back to the original, I left the cinema with almost no voice & very sore hands from clapping. But all we did on the way home was talk about the movie & how great it was. I loved every minute & will be going again very, very soon. I have to say the funniest part for me was when Tim unmasked to be Tim.
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leonfenwick5 June 2017
Ozzie/Kiwi stunner.

Great warm and chuckling feeling all the way through the film. Great acting and the film work was equally as good.

Just go watch it.

PS about the only unbelievable thing about the film was a mini could go for so long without breaking down......

:) Excellent. 8/10
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Pork Pie A Must See!!
pango-8323421 February 2017
To be honest i wasn't expecting much because i was a fan of the original Goodbye Pork Pie and not into remakes, to my surprise i actually loved it more!! It's a great fun movie with some real hard case kiwi humour, it's a must see!! and a guaranteed laugh with a bit of romance to spice things up!
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Fun Kiwi road trip
kathi-0719621 February 2017
Such a fun movie! Brilliant cast including Dean O'Gorman(my favorite actor) James Rolleston and Ashleigh. This movie was an amazing road trip through beautiful New Zealand scenery and lots of humor! I was lucky enough to be an extra and had a fantastic time.Thanks so much to the cast and crew for a fun experience. Go see this movie!
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Pork Pie
michael-1982121 February 2017
Have seen the Pork Pie Movie twice now and also took part in the Pork Pie Epic Roadie trip from Hamilton through to Taihape and absolutely loved the whole experience. It's adaptation of the original with similar experiences but with a twist. Well thought out and having Tim Shadbolt in there was hilarious. Well done to everyone involved and can't wait to add the DVD to my collection when it comes out!
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delbianco15 January 2019
I never saw the original, but it doesn't matter because this was a really fun movie and I highly recommend it to anyone
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Loved it, a good laugh all the way through
cask-1728121 February 2017
We, my husband and I go to the movies lots now and this was one of the best we have seen for as long time... A great movie for the start to the finish. We both had seen the original movie which was very good..the first one was fabulous for it age/time, and this one was a very fabulous modern day version with a few more twists to it....Good for all ages to see Would go and see it again..
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Fun and quaint until near the end. The last 20 minutes are golden.
rmarkd30 May 2020
Pork Pie is a story of a car thief Luke (James Rolleston), struggling writer Jon (Dean O'Gorman) who recently left his fiancee at the altar, and vegan protester Keira (Ashleigh Cummings). Initially Luke stole the car while running away from some thugs, then ended up picking up a hitchhiking Jon after almost running him over, then picking up Keira, after she quit her fast foot job. The journey turns into them running away from cops, protesting for animal rights, and finally getting Jon to see his fiancee Susie before she leaves for a fresh start in London. And, all the while, as they evade the cops, the story goes around and country tries to cheer for... whatever they're trying to do.

The first three quarters of the movie has funny parts, great driving, great scenery of New Zealand. The three characters work well with each other. It's a fun movie that seems to be going nowhere with no clear goal, but nonetheless a fun ride. Had it ended there, it would have been a quaint movie, but otherwise forgettable.

What really sealed it for me was the last twenty minutes. It changes from a movie where you're laughing at the scenes but not really invested in the characters to where you're really, really rooting for Jon. Not giving anything away but the scene where he says "this is what it's showing up for you"... just... wow.

Oh, and the driver in a mini in a chicken suit-- hilarious!

Those last 20 minutes turned this movie from a 6 to an 8 in my mind. And that's not to say it's a "6" movie with an "8" ending, only that the ending pays off so well, it just puts everything else in context and elevates the movie as a whole.

8/10. watch until the end, and note there are scenes in the credits.
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Brilliant Movie - I would watch it again
jaxsawyer21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the first movies I have watched in ages with real laugh out loud moments, I loved it! There were no boring moments, lots of action and laughs. Another great Kiwi film I would watch again and encourage everybody to go and see. The movie is a remake of the original Goodbye Pork Pie but stands on it's own as a new Kiwi classic in the making. It is Goodbye Pork Pie revamped so to speak - relevant for today. Not many movies can pull off a remake like this one has.
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Fresh and sassy remake of NZ's iconic Goodbye Pork Pie
selemr16 February 2017
Pork Pie delivers a fresh and sassy version of NZ's iconic Goodbye Pork Pie. The photography of the movie is a celebration of New Zealand's landscape from Auckland all the way to Invercargill. O'Gorman and Rolleston, deliver once again another great performance. However, the greatest thrill are those car chases in our very own Kiwi Rail. Pork Pie will leave you feeling uplifted and willing to go on a road trip!
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