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A fun spoof of '80s UK crime drama set on the Isle of Man
Tweekums10 March 2019
In the 1980s Richard Thorncroft found fame as Mindhorn, the Manx detective with an artificial eye that could literally see the truth. After three series he decided it was time to head to Hollywood, burning his bridges as he goes. Twenty five years later he is living in a flat in London and his only acting work has been the occasional advert. Now a deranged murder suspect, self-dubbed 'The Kestrel' is saying he will only talk to Detective Mindhorn; this leads to his return to the Isle of Man. Here he is both caught up in the hunt for the killer as well as meeting former colleagues who went on to live more successful lives than him.

If you are looking for anything serious you will definitely be disappointed but if you like the idea of a mild spoof of '80s UK detective shows this is worth watching. As others have said 'Mindhorn', the TV show, was clearly 'Bergerac' with a bionic eye... something which the film constantly acknowledges with an ongoing joke about Thorncroft losing roles to John 'Bergerac' Nettles. Most of the humour comes from the Richard Thorncroft character; he is almost a copy of Alan Partridge at times... most notably in scenes featuring Steve Coogan as a secondary character in 'Mindhorn' who left for a far more successful spin-off series. The plot in many ways mirrors the style on an '80s TV show as does the acting; something I'm sure was deliberate. The cast does a solid job with just about everybody looking more than a little ridiculous at times. The ending is inevitably rather cheesy but that fitted in with the general feel of the film. Overall I certainly wouldn't say this is a must see but would still recommend it to anybody who enjoys slightly cheesy silliness.
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Good light-hearted fun - if you were there in the 70s
alangmcw-850-64196320 May 2017
Well I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. It probably isn't for everyone, e.g. if you are too old or too young or from another planet. But if you remember British cop dramas from the 70s and 80s – with a bit of Starsky and Hutch thrown in (and if you have a sense of humour) then you should find some real laugh-out-loud moments here. I found it great, light-hearted, rather slapstick fun, and I will enjoy seeing this again some day.
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This isn't the Bronx, this is the Isle of Man!
one9eighty5 October 2020
A ludicrous but heart-felt comedy action which pays homage to some of the cheesiest TV cop shows and action series of the late 70's and early 80's. If you remember "Bergerac", "Starsky & Hutch" and "The 6 Million Dollar Man", then you might just get a kick out of this film which takes place in the Isle of Man. Detective Bruce Mindhorn was imprisoned and tortured by the Russians. After escaping captivity, he has the ability to see truth and lies in people thanks to an experimental cybernetic eye.

Brief summary: 80s cop show star returns to the public eye when he tries to hell police bring down a suspected killer.

Detailed Summary: Mindhorn was the biggest cop show in the 80s, when it ended the lead actor Richard Thorncroft left his life behind to try and conquer Hollywood. 20 - 30 years later he is a failed actor and a failure in life. He is contacted by the police in his old stomping ground, the Isle of Man, to try and help capture a suspected killer. The potential bad guy is obsessed with the TV show "Mindhorn" and believes it to be real. Having made a lot of people on the Isle of Man unhappy though, it is the last place that Thorncroft wants to be, but he goes back anyway thinking that he could relight his failed career. He soon learns there is more to the suspected murder than meets the eye and has to face the truth of his life before he can help bring down the corruption on the island.

Film Stuff: This low budget independent film is directed by Sean Foley (also making a cameo appearance), who has some notable British TV series under his belt, this 89-minute action comedy is rated 15. It is written by Julian Barrett and Simon Farnaby who both star in it, based on Farnaby's original idea. The Mindhorn character is something that has been seen before, having briefly made an appearance in an episode of cult TV series "The Mighty Boosh". Expect to see over the top acting and ludicrous prosthetics and make up as this film takes a lot of inspiration from the stylings of the aforementioned TV series.

Casting: Julian Barrett plays Richard Thorncroft, aka Mindhorn. You may know him from cult TV program "The Mighty Boosh". The character he plays in this is not a million miles away from the role he played in that. He is awkward and living in denial, he knows he is a failure but does not entirely believe he should be. Simon Farnaby stars as Clive Parnevik, Thorncroft's one-time stunt man turned rival. Although his character is stereotypically European, there are some laughs to be garnered, especially when Barrett and Farnaby are in the same scene acting off each other. Essie Davies appears in this too as Richard's one-time love interest, she plays this role well and is convincing in still having some feelings for Richard. Steve Coogan makes a brief appearance as a smug colleague of Richard's who actually made it big off the back of the program. Russell Tovey gives a good performance as Paul Melly, the suspected murderer. I almost did not recognize Andrea Riseborough as DS Elena Baines - she is convincing as the lead investigator working under hard-faced Chief Inspector Derek Newsome (David Schofield). All in all, a decent casting with a few famous faces you may recognize from British TV and film, and cameo appearances from big hitters Sir Kenneth Brannagh and Simon Callow.

Wrap up: I like cheesy TV shows and movies that do not take themselves seriously and this is definitely one of those. It is not a massively original plot, it certainly is not glitzy and shiny, but this film does have a heart and it was able to tickle my funny bone too. The cast do a good job and the film is entertaining. Because of its relatively short runtime, and its good editing this film never feels like its dragging. With adult themes which will not be suitable for some audiences this film is aimed more so at people who are able to look back on the 70s and 80s and the rubbish cop shows that graced our screens. I would probably expect a British audience to enjoy this film more than American audiences, not because they would not have nostalgia at lame cop shows of yesteryear, but more because the humour in this film feels more British. I enjoyed this and would happily recommend it to others.
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Stick with this gets better and better as you watch.
planktonrules21 May 2017
"Mindthorn" is one of the newest Netflix productions to be released. However, it is very unusual in that it has a mostly British cast and it was filmed on the Isle of Man, an unusual location for a Netflix film, I know. In fact, most people outside the United Kingdom probably have no idea where the Isle of Man is or if it exists at all! I assure you, it does and the self-governing island is home to tailless cats and motorcycle racing!

When the story begins, you learn that back in the late 1980s there was a British television series called "Mondhorn". It was about some bizarre private detective with a cybernetic eye who went on adventures and solved crimes. The problem is that today, a crazed maniac believes that the show was completely real and is demanding the police let him speak to Mindhorn. As for the actor who played the title character, Richard Thorncroft (Julian Barrett) is a complete mess and can only find work doing commercials for compression socks and adult bladder protection these days! He hopes that by traveling to the island that he'll become a hero and revive his stalled career. But there is one serious problem. Thorncroft is a complete jerk and a dumb one at that. He manages to alienate just about everyone he meets and you cannot help but hate him, but there is far, far more to the story.

Up to the point I've described, the film is a bit hard to take because Thorncroft is such a big jerk.a thorough and complete jerk. Fortunately, the second half of the film improves tremendously and becomes rather funny especially when he ends up teaming up with a guy who calls himself 'the Kestrel'. The film takes a definite turn towards the weird as well as the heroic and actually is very unique and worth seeing.

This film is clearly one that I urge you to keep watchingeven with a slow start. My wife cringed repeatedly and found Thorncroft's character so annoying and awful she wanted to stop watching. As for me, I have a higher threshold for the embarrassing and weird and really enjoyed the film. It's uneven, of course, but a film that ends on a very high note. Hopefully, we'll see more stuff like this from Netflix.
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What Mindhorn lacks in confidence it makes up for in wacky, wonderful humour
ryanjmorris25 April 2017
Mindhorn is the cinematic equivalent of that friend who takes forever to decide what they want to eat: chances are you'll have a good time regardless of the decision, but that doesn't make the journey there any less frustrating. Written by lead actor Julian Barratt and supporting cast member Simon Farnaby, the film's script is scattershot to say the least. But it's also charming, light hearted and frequently very funny.

Mindhorn establishes its tone immediately in its 1980s-set TV shoot, as actor Richard Thorncroft (Barratt) tries to woo his actress girlfriend (Essie Davis) on the set of his cop show Mindhorn - he plays the titular character. We then jump into the present and find Thorncroft as a failed actor, until he's contacted by the police with a strange request. A deluded criminal on the Isle of Mann - where the series was shot and set - believes Mindhorn to be a real detective, and will only divulge information to him. Happy for the publicity, Thorncroft enthusiastically dons the costume and heads to the island, but the case proves more complex than he initially thought.

Right off the bat, the best thing about Mindhorn is its performances. Every actor here brings their A-game: Barratt is unashamedly wacky in the lead role; Farnaby turns a one-note character into a reliable joke cannon; Davis brings her character through a notable comedic journey across the film. Russell Tovey is also on hand in a scene stealing turn as the accused criminal, both his line delivery and physical comedy are perfectly executed but he still infuses his character with an appropriate vulnerability. It's a simply brilliant comedic performance.

Never taking itself too seriously, Mindhorn soars through its brief running time. This is a film of fundamental silliness, one that couldn't work if it tried to grow up a bit. Its stupidity is infectious though, especially demonstrated through a handful of terrific visual gags. In one, Thorncroft escapes the murderer by darting backwards through a bush, and in another a graffitied car window is rolled up in a rather awkward place. Like the best visual gags, they're impossible to explain without context but impossible not to love in the moment.

While the visual jokes are consistently effective, Mindhorn tends to struggle in forming its own comedic identity, or any identity at all in fact. The film is wacky, but not quite wacky enough for this to be its niche. It ends up stuck in the uncomfortable midpoint between conventional comedy and delirious farce. It stumbles between the two and handles them both solidly but it would perhaps fare a bit better if it pushed the wackiness that little bit further.

Mindhorn as a film consistently feels unsure of itself. The script reportedly took a decade to piece together but it still lacks confidence, never quite plucking up the courage to go all out - every time the film sets its sights on something insane, it always pulls back again. It demonstrates good self control, but Mindhorn should be a film that doesn't need it. Go all out, be mad and weird and wacky - who knows, you could stumble on something great.
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Amiable and Moderately Amusing With a Touch of Pathos
richardchatten15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A moderately amusing and very likable spoof of 80's action shows that doesn't attain the heights of the similar 'Galaxy Quest' and 'Hot Fuzz'; one keeps willing 'Mindhorn' to be funnier and more stylish than it ever actually is. We all know that Richard Thorncroft is supposed to be a bore, but the film is a bit too successful at reminding us of that (although one does feel sorry for the poor oaf). Even at just 89 minutes it feels overextended, the drab visuals and sluggish pacing rather too successfully emulating the look and feel of the TV originals it lovingly parodies; and it has an unnecessarily convoluted plot. It's a bit too evident that all this really belongs on the telly rather than the big screen - with tantalising hints how much better it could have worked with slicker direction and sharper editing - and 'Mindhorn' will probably enjoy a long career on DVD.

The scenes with Thorncroft and Clive trading insults are amusing, and those with David Schofield as the exasperated chief inspector hilarious. SPOILER COMING: Andrea Riseborough as DC Baines's late transformation into a ruthless leather-clad assassin is one of many great ideas that don't quite deliver, since her scenes in that persona - along with the rest of the action scenes in general - simply don't supply the slambang conclusion they promise.
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Lacks conviction and becomes silly rather than tragic and funny
bob the moo5 June 2018
On paper there is a lot to get excited about with Mindhorn. The cast is deep with talent that comes with a lot to like - particularly the links to a style of humor that is Mighty Boosh, and Alan Partridge. On top of this the location of Isle of Mann, and the 'faded x-list celebrity" held out hope that the tragic and cringey element of the comedy would be well formed. It isn't to be though, and the film never really gets into that space even though it is clearly trying to do so.

There are moments where this works, and it can be occasionally very funny, but mostly it only half-hits, misfires, or gets too silly. The setup takes too long, the final 30 minutes are far too silly in the detail. It does still manage to be quite funny, but I couldn't shake the feeling of it being inconsistent, and lacking a clear conviction for what it was trying to do. I guess part of my reservation was that I was looking for it to be something it wasn't, because I wanted more of that tragic cringe comedy which would have had Mindhorn be more like Partridge - and the bits I enjoyed the most were the bits that pained me the most.

The cast work hard to make it all work, and even when the written elements don't really work, the cast are still good. I am surprised by how many big names and recognizable faces they got involved in this, and then at the same time it also then feels like a missed opportunity that they couldn't make the film as a whole rise to that level.
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Consistently chuckle-worthy satire with an enjoyably ostentatious, self-assured fall-guy for a lead.
Pjtaylor-96-1380441 March 2018
'Mindhorn (2017)' is pretty much consistently chuckle-worthy and the almost meta satire is on-point, especially in an early glimpse into the eponymous television show that haunts the protagonist as his only legacy - a typically cheesy detective show with a schlocky sci-fi central conceit. It's the cocksure lead character's chance to re-live his 'glory days' that allows him to see they perhaps weren't all that great to begin with. Barratt plays the part with self-assured gusto and throws everything into it, even though most of the gags are inevitably on him, and the rest of the players do a good job of keeping an ostentatious streak alive throughout the piece. The failings of the picture arrive in its plot, though, which is hackneyed, under-cooked and often side-lined for the characters' smugly silly antics. The flick also ends so abruptly (almost mid-sentence) that it leaves you wondering if a couple of scenes were accidentally left on the cutting room floor. 6/10
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I laughed my eyeliner down my face
esthercross18 May 2017
Mindhorn is the ultimate treat for anyone who has an appreciation for ludicrous humour. The film is set on the Isle of man which in my eyes sets the plot up for greatness as the clash of action and crime with understated countryside life is always a winner for me! I love to see the quaintness of British life being fondly ridiculed by a silly parody action sequence! Mindhorn is immediately funny and the 80s Mindhorn montage sequence reached both people who feel nostalgic about the 80s action genre (my dad was roaring) but it also tickled a 22 year old like myself. I love the parody form and Mindhorn's purposefully cheesy devices landed with rip-roaring comedic success.

The acting in this film was spot on because the actors had amazing command of physical humour and timing and the script didn't scrimp on funnies! Visual comedy is a really intelligent and inventive form of humour and the mark of a good script. Mindhorn has some brilliant moments of this and you can clearly tell from watching the film that the art department had a whale of a time! l also thoroughly enjoyed the use of garish colour in this film there was a strong use of carefully considered yet brazenly bold costumes and set. A piece of art as well as a good comedy! I'm sure I could pick faults but because I laughed the entire way through I don't think I need to.
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Enjoyable - but we've see it all before.
martin-807-45227010 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers

******Spoiler alert*****

As you know - I'm a British film maker and I like to watch anything by my fellow British film makers, and I'm a big fan of Julian Barrat, as Flowers (C4) was just the best thing on TV last year.

Mindhorn is very standard fare it follows the career of a washed up TV actor now involved in a real murder case, and that's it. I was really hoping for something different or really funny but it just never quite gets there. It's so similar to the Alan Partridge movie and the Bad Education movie that they could have all been edited together to make one big multi-strand film, with Steve Coogan playing a sort of Alan Partridge character in Mindhorn it just doesn't have any individuality.

Sean Young the Director has no other Directing credits at all and it shows in many scenes it's quite clear he's not sure where to put the camera and eyelines are all over the place, which is odd as it's all about a man with only one see who can 'see the truth' (this ability is never used).

The story is simple but it is populated with far too many unmotivated bad guys, the bad cop, the killer cop, the foreign stuntman, the nasty agent, the man fan, and the actual murderer whose motive isn't really clear or funny enough.

It's absolutely full of cliché' but not in a good way: very simple unimaginative plot points and coincidences: e.g.: Julian discovers he might be a father and whilst walking along bumps into potential-daughter at a bus stop. Later on he knocks over one obvious box in the garage and it contains 20 years of lost love letters that the Mrs has never noticed.

Julian is, however, very good and some of the cast like Russell Tovery are fabulous, but on the whole it just isn't funny enough. The love interest Essie Davies isn't given a single funny line and plays it all 100% straight, when in the world of Mindhorn even Kenneth Branagh is not playing it straight.

The structure is exactly the same as the Dad's Army movie, which although brilliant cast was strangely without humour. There seems to be a strange sort of small to mid budget formulaic feature film making, that involves coastal towns, predictable plots and a lack of any sort of cinematography at all: everything is coverage. The DoP is David Luther who has shot some absolutely incredible stuff such as Black Sails, so I can't imagine he decided to shoot it in a 'boring' style. It's also got 16 producers and that may well be why it is so anodyne.

I left the cinema trying to remember a single funny memorable line but I couldn't recall a single one.

The Beastie Boys video for sabotage is funnier and more cop-centric.

3/5 quite funny but nothing special. Enjoyable - but we've see it all before.
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Too scattershot
Prismark1014 May 2017
It is not often I get to say this in a review. I could see my house in this film, well my childhood home.

Mindhorn was a hit 1980s television show set in the Isle of Man starring Richard Thorncroft. It was basically Bergerac with a bionic eye.

Now Thorncroft after a drunken rant on the Wogan show is washed up and unemployed. His agent has not been able to find work for him for years.

However a deranged Manx criminal Paul Melly, wanted for murder demands he will only talk to Detective Mindhorn and Thorncroft returns to the island hoping the publicity will get him work and unite with his ex star who was also his ex wife.

A promising premise with cameos from Kenneth Branagh and Simon Callow playing themselves and Steve Coogan playing a side character in the Mindhorn series who now has his own spin off show.

The problem is the movie is too uneven, the plot does not hang together well, it was not that amusing even dull at times. The film is just really a long sketch and really not too far from the Alan Partridge film Alpha Papa which also starred Coogan.

However it is nice to see the Isle of Man play itself when in other films it is used to portray other locations.
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Lighthearted and fun!
wladisha24 May 2017
The title says it all; this movie wants to make you laugh and leave you with a smile on your face afterwards. No nonsense, no melodrama.

The characters are real people (although exaggerated slightly), so it's not a parody - just a feel-good movie that's a little on the silly side.

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More cringe worthy than comedic....
s32761694 October 2017
For me Mindhorn is more cringe worthy than comedic.

Its cast in the same vein as "The Office" where someone's blatant and rather clumsy attempts to impress, backfire. Personally, what I would call "humiliation comedy" is more cringe worthy than genuinely amusing. Like sarcasm, it attaches cheap gags and tags to someone's foolish behaviour and runs with it.

I found little that was clever or genuinely witty about this tale of a washed up action television star. Indeed, viewed from a different perspective its rather sad and a little depressing.

On the upside the acting is fine and it has the usual British sense of level headed-ness that prevents the whole thing from descending into farce.

Whilst its not for me if you liked The Office you may enjoy Mindhorn. Six out of ten from me.
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With my bionic eye, seen it all before.
PurpleProseOfCairo5 May 2018
Not the worst movie ever, and it's less than an hour and a half long. It raises an occasional wry smile. Enough praise, on with the review. I suppose the younger set, who this movie is aimed at, may not have seen these comedy cliches before, but for anyone else, everything here is recycled from as far back as (in my memory anyway) Benny Hill and Tony Hancock. Skitting an Eighties sci-fi/detective series (a sort of Bergerac/Six Million Dollar Man mash-up) is shooting fish in the proverbial barrel. The deluded, cocksure hero, thinking he's a hit with the ladies, but paunchy and pathetic, is a standard character. And the strong, sensible female lead (ironically given very little of note to do) is becoming a hackneyed trope too. The most annoying thing about the recent wave of Brit comedies and TV shows is that it's the same cosy little cartel of comics and actors, seemingly more intent on making each other laugh than the audience. This just more of the same.
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Predictable - Fun watching movie!
shivshankar-0807320 November 2018
Typical British comedy movie. The movie cracks me up with laughs in here and there. Quite entertaining predictable movie. Would recommend watching on Saturday family nights.
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Truth is out there
fostrhod27 March 2021
Mindhorn - Julian Barret plays has been actor Richard Thorncroft who reprises his fictional character"Mindhorn" to solve a real crime. Lots of obvious stuff here, but it is laugh out loud funny. Not a classic by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a little gem of a movie with its tongue very firmly in its cheek. 7/10 on BBC iplayer.
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Toast of London brought me here
padawanmovies10 January 2022
After realizing toast of London had left Netflix this came up as a suggestion. Assuming it would share similar humor I gave this a shot. I absolutely love this type of British humor, reminds me of naked gun.

39:39 is my favorite scene in this, I literally spit out water!
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Sort of a British Zucker Brothers-Type Thing
jc7486818 October 2017
Major Bullet Points:

*It's British. So there's that

*You don't necessarily need to love "British" comedy(but it may help)

*I wondered if I could stay with it after the first few minutes. Just wasn't sure what I was getting in to

*There are a couple of characters that are just a little too silly and over the top

*Easy watch. Clocks in at a little over an hour (which probably prevents some things to not grow tiresome. But, a little more time could have assisted with some character/story development)

*It almost seems like it was a possible pilot episode

The plot/storyline has already been discussed. So, I'll just give my opinion of why should (or maybe should not watch)

It is a very endearing movie that will have you laughing out loud (if you're in to Police Squad!/Naked Gun-type humor)

For what it is, just about everything in this movie works. The acting is top notch. The jokes are just as outrageous as they are funny.

The friends and I that enjoyed this movie love the type of humor you will find in Flight of the Conchords, The Office, Heat Vision and Jack, The Simpsons (first decade), Seinfeld, Arrested Development, The Last Man on Earth, MST3K, Top Secret & Police Squad!

If that type of silly humor isn't your thing, you might want to swipe left!
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absolutely great
gofy_pac-468-81082116 May 2017
It is very rare now a days that you get to see a comedy film with out any adult language or those creepy scenes and Mindhorn is really an exception proving once again hat you do need a good story.I personally loved and liked this movie and i recommend it everyone who is interested in a good comedy watchable with friends.
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Actually quite a fun ride - very funny!
omendata21 December 2018
Cannot for the life of me understand any one of the reviewers who gave this a 1 or two out of ten - that means its the worst movie you have ever seen and this is certainly not that.

Our whole audience were laughing hysterically at many scenes especially the glued on clothes, suntan man, squawking Kestrel-man and many other wacky scenes. Simon Farnaby was superb as the naked gardener and Julian Barratt was priceless.

You must have a bit of the child inside you and some life in you to appreciate this film. Its madcap, its slapstick, its very funny. I can only liken it to a cross Between Magnum PI, Bergerac, Monty Python and The Young Ones - In other words a bit off the wall!

I think the bad reviews must have come from 70 year old frustrated and sad old faertes with no sense of humour who would probably prefer shows like "Yes Minister" and the "South Bank Show".
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Sunday afternoon daytime movie at best
kuuk310 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film had some amusing moments, but none of the jokes were memorable. There was no big scene that had us rolling in the isle, and no one-liner I was muttering.

Mindhorn was made to look like some depressing loser has-been, which we got pretty early on. Unfortunately, they keep jamming that character trait down our throat constantly, so its no-longer funny and you just feel depressed because of it.

Even a mentally unstable nine year old boy, living in the body of a man, in a cave, was living a better life than all our main characters. It stopped being funny and just unbelievable.

Worse of all though is the lack of a conclusion. They set up three villains. One leader and two henchmen. The film concluded with the arrest of one henchman, but then cut to credits without any scenes to wrap up the other two. It was a major let down to have the plot just end without any clean up.

The budget was minimum, and it looked and felt like a student film at times.

It was not bad, and if it were the pilot to a new TV series, I would be giving it a higher rating. But when its in the cinema, being released the same week as Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and is asking £13-£18 per ticket, then its just too expensive for something missing a satisfying ending like this.
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Hilarious, Spoof
awvknj3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely laugh out loud at comedies, but this one actually got me a couple of times I really enjoyed it. No huge surprises really... The predictable script was part of the fun so campy an over the top bad but not because they were trying to be serious so that just made it all the more fun.. I'm surprised this isn't more of a cult classic because it really has the elements for that... now in order to post this review, I have to come up with a couple hundred more words and I really don't have much else to say. I enjoyed the acting. The script was lame, but funny and the acting was supposed to be lame so whether they actually were lame or just good actors that could carry that off I'm not sure, but I would recommend this for anybody who likes to have a few laughs.
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Mindhorn Film Review
scottingram7 May 2017
The new British action comedy film Mindhorn starring starring Julian Barratt, Steve Coogan, Kenneth Branagh, Harriet Walter, Andrea Riseborough, Essie Davis, Russell Tovey, Jessica Barden.

In Mindhorn washed-up actor Richard Thorncroft (English actor Julian Barratt - The Harry Hill Movie, A Field In England) peaked with hit 1980s detective show 'Mindhorn', playing the titular Isle of Man sleuth with a rather unique ability. As a captured MI5 Special Operative, Bruce P. Mindhorn's eye was replaced by a super-advanced optical lie detector, which meant he could literally 'see the truth'. Mindhorn escaped and fled to the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea between and Northern Ireland, to recuperate in the island's temperate microclimate, and became the best plain-clothes detective the island had ever seen... Decades later, when a deranged Manx criminal Paul Melly (English actor Russell Tovey - Tower Block, Pride) demands only to speak to "Detective Mindhorn", Thorncroft returns to the scene of his greatest triumph for one last chance to reignite his glory days and professional credibility.

Amongst the other actors / actresses in Mindhorn include Australian actress Essie Davis (The Matrix films, Girl With A Pearl Earring) as Patricia Deville, English actress Andrea Riseborough (Welcome To The Punch, Oblivion) as DC Baines, Northern Ireland actor Kenneth Branagh (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit) as himself, English actor and comedian Steve Coogan (Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa, The Parole Officer) as actor Peter Eastman, English actress Harriet Walter (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Denial) as an Agent, English actress Jessica Barden (Hanna, UK TV Series Coronation Street) as Jasmine Patricia's daughter, English actor Simon Callow (Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, Amadeus) as himself, English actor Simon Farnaby (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Paddington) as Dutch actor Clive Parnevik, English actor Nicholas Farrell (Legend 2015, The Iron Lady) as The Mayor, English actor David Schofield (Pirates Of The Caribbean films, Gladiator) as Chief Inspector Derek Newsome, Scottish actor Richard McCabe (Eye In The Sky, Notting Hill) as Geoffrey Moncrieff, English actor Alex Wyndham (The Messenger, Lotus Eaters) as Jake, English actor Jordan Long (Kingsman: The Secret Service, Tower Block) as Vincent, Alannah Olivia (Kill Your Friends) as Trudy, English actor Robin Morrissey (Cloud Atlas, Love Bite) as PC Green and Christopher Jenner Cole (The Killing Zone, Adams Apples) as Richard Crowthorne.

Mindhorn is shot on location on the Isle Of Man.

Overall Mindhorn is a good British action comedy film filled with action, some violence, funny moments, tongue and cheek stuff, swearing, some odd strange moments, stunning scenery of the Isle Of Man, fall outs, arguments, disagreements, some things that don't make much sense, things getting wrecked and destroyed and other things throughout the film.

So I will give Mindhorn an overall rating of 3 out of 5 stars and Mindhorn is worth seeing if you like action comedy films like Spy, the Johnny English films. the Hot Shot films, the Rush Hour films, Get Smart amongst others.

So if you get the chance to see Mindhorn at the cinema then you should go and see it sooner than later.
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A really, really, really, really mixed bag
tabuno4 February 2019
Mindhorn is a really, really, really, really mixed bag. Three big names are attached to this strange, serio-comic, satire, parody of a movie - namely, Ridley Scott as an executive producer along with Steve Coogan who also co-starred in the movie along with Kenneth Branagh with an uncredited role. This what IMDb describes as a comedy is so bad or good that it really isn't that funny (unless one is high). It's almost a good bad soap opera like the "deliberate" bad acting on Soapdish (1991) except the acting in Mindhorn is supposed to the real funny live performances that actually appear bad. Most of how the film was shot makes the comical scenes not humorous at all even though the audience understands they're is supposed to be funny. Even the black comedy elements (which in one instance supposedly is fake if one looks at the ending credit montage) makes this film a strange fusion of weird comedy along with some glimmer of serious hopeful adult tenderness. A much more consistently and traditional parody of a comedy in contrast is Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest (1999). It's possible that this is the first comedy with its many, many intended funny elements which none of them elicited one real laugh which is a remarkable feat in itself.
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thomasjay-220123 August 2018
This is British Cinema flexing its muscles, a very recognisable and diverse cast deliver great performances and the story like I said earlier is a fine example of British Cinema and story. A quirky tale similar to the works of Edgar Wright and an equally unusual setting of a small seaside town which is playing home to a Hollywood-Esau Scheme what this film has to offer is brilliant. Highly worth a watch
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