The worst-written episode of Criminal Minds, dragged on for 92 minutes.
There are movies that are produced worse, so I didn't score it 1 star, but it legitimately deserves -15 stars for writing. The writing is SO stupid it becomes insulting. I kept watching because I had chores to do around the house, and I didn't want to be too interested by what was going on on screen. It turns out that this movie, dialogue, story plot points and acting were so bad, it made me angry enough to get going on my errands. That's why this didn't get turned off in the first few minutes of dialogue, the next few plot points, the continuing dialogue, every insufferable monologue and that godawful piano scene.
There was no way to make that piano scene stupider and more unrealistic. The piano scene made me want to punch the movie quiet.
The acting wasn't great, but PALES in comparison to how terrible the writing was to begin with. Every spoken word made me want to track down the person(s) who wrote the script and just scream "NO" into their faces(s) for a few minutes.
That said, there are worse movies out there. So if you have chores to do around the house, and you want to support low-budget movies; have at it and turn it on for a bit.