Filming of the melee scene was relying on street lights, after filming the first time and before start filming the second time from another angles, there has been completely power cut in the street, which led to the end of filming day, which means this was filmed only one time.
Moataz role was for another actor named Ahmed Shawky, Shawky attended rehearsals for about a month and a half but he apologized only 4 days before start filming, so Ayman Zakaria gave the role to Moataz Ashour.
The film is based on 100% actual events. and it was the first time acting for all cast.
Filming the last scene in front of Al-Ahly club in Cairo was too risky, parking a car with Port Said license plate and start filming is may be something strange and provocative to those who are in the club, so Ayman and Ahmed Hamed (d.o.p) went to the club late at night to film the scene as quickly as possible and leave the place, if you look carefully into the gate you will note that there are two or three persons with strange looks and asking themselves what is happening, but finishing and leaving quickly made Ayman and Ahmed avoid any troubles or problems.