Songs Of Innocence ? How about Songs Of Cynicism ? Bono and the boys and Apple get together and everyone has to guess who's using who ? Apple get to use a corporate event to sell their latest I-phone and U2 get 25 million big ones to give away a free album that must have taken all of ten minutes to write . Considering Apple had to bring out new software in order to delete Songs Of Cynicism from their new I-phone due to literally tens of millions of complaints I'm guessing Bono and the boys are the big winners ? They along with third world starving babies because the more you pay in tax the more foreign aid budget these countries receive and 25 million big ones means a hefty slice of tax . Unless of course a band is registered in The Netherlands in which case they don't have to pay a penny . If UKIP win the upcoming British general election I'm sure Nigel Farage will ignore his party's manifesto and give Bono fast track British citizenship and make him foreign aid minister . If nothing else Songs Of Cynicism gives director Aoife McArdle an opportunity to make a short film on the Troubles , a conflict that is being as quickly forgotten as U2 when they made very good music
As Bob says there a massive amount of cynicism to this short film . I will state the good points and that it is technically well made with cinematography and editing that impressed me along with military uniforms and equipment that belong in the setting . It obviously hasn't been filmed in Belfast because the maze like streets of brick houses that the outsider view of Belfast remember the city as have gone now , but EVERY BREAKING WAVE does have a superb feeling of time and space and one pitys Aoife McArdle for not having stronger material to direct
But there's really nothing beyond this . The story is one note , clichéd and very predictable . Sean lives in a Republican ghetto and finds himself at a crossroads where he has to choose between love or the cause . There is something else not touched upon and that is just because someone marries someone from the other tribe in Belfast it doesn't preclude them from joining a terrorist organisation . UFF leader James Craig was married to a Catholic woman and despite being hated by all sides in Northern Ireland , so much so it led to him being shot dead by his own organisation in a Belfast bar in 1988 that was entirely down to Craig's criminality and stealing UFF funds not because of his wife's religion . Perhaps this short film sums up the cynicism of The Troubles and its fallout ?