I would like to add my comments on the reviews. I LIKED ORANGE MITTAi. Father and son challenges are very in depth. I thought Vijay and Ramish interesting and complex characters.I found the story emotional and touched with laughter. A beautiful film with a tender message not the easy happily ever after ending, but daring to express real life. A film to touch your soul, so bittersweet. This film gives you what it promises in its title Orange Mittai. I would be one of those people recommending watching it.
If the message to be a total pain in the ass only Vijay succeeded admirably
kudos to him. But more
.to me that was not the message of the film. Vijay's performance portrayed the exact person the film needed to seeing beyond the obvious of realizing he had a heart and adding Ramesh
he missed the mark with his own father and it caused him to pause and change and open his heart to love. This is a win-win situation for both. The film gives us this without sticky and obvious emotions. The film gently works its magic. The director Biju Viswanath presents an emotional challenge with care and humor. Intense balance was given to keep the visual in line with the story.
Well done, Everyone. Yes, I liked it.