This Italian film, set in Sardinia, features two teens on the run, but for varying reasons. Anastasiya Bogach and Kallil Kone star as Anna and Basim respectively.
Anna has suffered some type of trauma and we see early on that she is being chased by a man. But, it is not till about two thirds of the movie has progressed do we learn exactly why. Basim is a refugee from the Ivory Coast, with no papers, who wants to get to northern Europe and start a new life there.
Their paths cross when Basim intervenes on Anna's behalf, when two troublemakers on a motorbike are harassing her. Anna has been so traumatized that she doesn't speak, but the two develop a bond anyway as time passes.
This is the type of movie that if I wrote much more about the plot I would be writing spoilers. But I will say that the filmmaker Laura Luchetti made things a little more confusing than they needed to be with regular flashbacks and also keeping the viewer in suspense a little too long as to what was really happening with Anna and why a psychopath was relentlessly perusing her.
Overall, although the movie will, in my opinion, appeal only to a certain type of cinephile, I found it to be a heartfelt and suspenseful tale that, for me, proved to be worth watching.