The Ghosts of Johnson Woods is a curious little tale and no there are no ghosts present here nor anything even remotely supernatural.
It tells the story of a young man desperate to become famous. He comes across a pushy girl eager to be an actress who convinces him to make a movie with her.
The slow burn movie doesn't deliver anything until the closing moments, yet somehow this works in it's favour.
You're left wondering what kind of film it even is, where the "Ghosts" fit in and which direction it's going in. Alas I figured out the twist by about the half way mark, but I can't deny it's a fairly good one.
Highly independent, hugely obscure yet passable enough entertainment.
The Good:
Cast actually deliver
Fairly interesting
The Bad:
Predictible twist
Very slow burn
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
She was right, The Ghosts of Hohnson Woods is a better title
Hookers can't be sexy