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This movie is a love letter to fallen heroes and fellow outcasts
randallaviks6 November 2017
I don't know if this is a good way to start a movie review, but after seeing this movie all I could think to do was message an old punk buddy of mine and warn him that the next time I saw him 'I was going to hug him and never let go.'

I have so much praise for this movie I don't even know where to begin (I would have expressed this praise to the filmmakers during their Tallgrass Film Festival Q&A, but when I was given the mic to comment, I just couldn't make ...words.) Y'see, it's a ton of bricks this movie... Not just in sad ways either, mind you, but across the board. The authenticity is overwhelming: The accuracy of the hangouts, the music blaring, the art that was happening, the bond between outcasts-if you've been there then you know the good times that are had with people who have nothing but would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. But sadly, a part of that authenticity....the world is usually at war with us outcasts, and this movie shows that reality. Hard. Like all those bricks I mentioned earlier.

I'll quit waxing poetic and get to some movie stuff over here- The 3rd act of this film includes a scene that is still managing to shake my punk self and the film snob he grew up to be- to avoid violating the 'spoiler' criteria of this page, I will refer to this scene as the 'Truck Ride'. It may be the most haunting and true depiction of that journey I've ever seen committed to film. It's a perfectly filmed moment and- I pray I'm not out of line by saying-inspiring. Absolutely, we know the tragedy and bedlam that is looming when you take such a ride (and in no way am I trying to make light of the things that follow) but the filmmakers show that along with the fear and bloodcurdling uncertainty of that ride, there is a nobility. A quiet moment shared between the warriors who have no choice but to be on the way to somewhere they shouldn't be going. I'm not kidding, it's that powerful.

Oh yeah, movie review... (This movie made me get lost in thought again dammit!) Wonderful job done by all-Acting, Production, Cinematography, Direction. Sound. Everything is Outstanding. I will be owning this movie soon, and I WILL be owning it on DVD-it belongs on the bookshelf next to my copies of 'Another State of Mind', 'Decline of Western Civilization pt 1' and appropriately enough, 'The Outsiders'.

In the meantime I'll be raising a glass to fallen punks and fellow outcasts while I play my favorite Subhumans record-This one's for you Brian, I hope punk valhalla is treating you well my Brother.
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A great story that needed to be told better.
Top_Dawg_Critic13 February 2018
Let me start by praising the outstanding cinematography in this film. The acting, especially by the leads, were all on point, particularly the punks.

Novice director, writer and editor Jameson Brooks (this was his first major film aside a handful of short films) did an impressive job for a novice director, but his writing was way too lose, and his editing was terrible.

Although only 95min length, it felt much longer with certain dragged out and slow-mo scenes that took away from the impact of those scenes. The pace needed to be faster, edited (cut) unnecessary prolonged scenes, and rid of some of the slow-mo shots that dragged the film. For the large amount of producers involved with this film, someone should have spoke up to re-write the screenplay to make it tighter.

Additionally, leaving out the fact the jock didn't get away without jail time (albeit for parole violations), detracts from the satisfaction (for karma) of some form of justice. This should have been displayed in the closing credits along with all the other factual notes: In June 2001 Camp was apprehended for underage drinking and was arrested for being a minor in the possession of alcohol. Michael Camp, father of Dustin, attempted to cover for his son's probation violations. Michael Camp was formally charged with making false statements to the police. He was sentenced to 60 days deferred adjudication (a type of probation) and a $100 fine after a plea bargain. In September 2001, Dustin Camp received an eight-year prison sentence for violating his probation.

Nevertheless, an enjoyable film worth seeing. It's no big Hollywood blockbuster, but yet pulled off quite well with B-grade actors and a novice director/writer. A well deserved 8/10 from me.
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have we progressed in 20 years?
ferguson-67 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. This feature film debut from Texas filmmaker Jameson Brooks (co-written with Sheldon Chick) was an Audience Award winner at last year's Dallas International Film Festival. It's based on the incredulous true story of a tragic crime and the subsequent trial that occurred in Amarillo in the late 1990's. It's also an introduction to a talented and exciting filmmaker with a message that is as every bit as important now for every community as it was 20 years ago in the Texas panhandle.

The courtroom scenes serve as the story structure while flashbacks are blended with the defense attorney (Glenn Morshower) commenting/mocking the evidence as it's shown to the jury. This style keeps those unfamiliar with the story uncertain as to the actual victim and the circumstances of the crime - at least until the final act when we see a re-enactment of the crime and the final day of trial. However, even if one is familiar with the specifics of the case, it is presented in such an exceptional manner that it will surely be just as impactful.

Keeping in mind that this is west Texas (remember "Friday Night Lights") and football reigns supreme, so the ongoing battle between the Punks and the Preps sets the stage for ultimate cultural battle ... especially in an area that is home to a nuclear bomb assembly plant. Volatility abounds. There is a terrific sequence with parallel cuts between the mosh pit of a local punk rock concert and the on-field violence of a local high school football game. There are more similarities than differences, well, until the kids from the two sides cross paths in the real world. Class differences are obvious, and so is the usual teen angst and rebellious nature.

Distinct differences in how the authorities handle each group's form of release are on full display. The punks are caught tagging, while the pasture party of the jocks gains frenzy. One of these ends with handcuffs, and the other with polite dismissal. The core of the story is the ongoing comparison between Brian (in a wonderful performance from Dave Davies), sporting a colorful Mohawk as he skateboards through town, and Cody (an effective Luke Shelton), a buttoned-up football player always striving to prove his mettle as he cruises around town in Daddy's Cadillac. A sense of doom-filled destiny accompanies their scenes, and of course, we know it won't end well.

Many will find the film reminiscent of Frances Ford Coppola's 1983 film THE OUTSIDERS, which featured the Greasers versus the Socs. The biting realism and grit of Mr. Brooks' film helps us better understand the similarities between the two groups who look so different. And that's the real message here: judging others by looks will never lead to understanding and peaceful coexistence. The cinematography of Jake Wilgonwski is a huge part of the emotional reaction we have to this story, and the notes provided at the end of the film leave us wondering if, 20 plus years later, we are any more advanced as a society than what occurred in that Amarillo parking lot.
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A law for the rich, and a law for the poor
deloudelouvain4 May 2018
You always watch a movie differently when it's based on a true story. This one couldn't reflect my vision on society and his morals any better. There's always been a justice for the rich and a justice for the poor, a justice for the so-called 'normal' and a justice for the 'different'. Aspecially in America, where you have to live by the rules they want you to live. There goes there so-called freedom of speech, the land of opportunity. It's all a big farce, and I don't think it will ever change there. People are just brainwashed on how you have to live your life, and anything else is concidered wrong. The movie is well made, with some great music if you like punk music. The end is just sad, even though I never heared about this story, and that I was still hoping for a correct outcome, the reality is just unjust and unfair. My condolences and biggest respect to the family Deneke.
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A modern tale of an old story.
wmoleskyjr8 October 2018
You care about the people he cared about. You see Amarillo through Brian's eyes for better or worse. This may have happened or is happening right now in your town. It's a new tale on an old story instead of the greasers and the socias it's the preps and the punks.
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A heart pummeling, emotional rollercoaster.
Jkovacs8421 January 2020
Beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, a true love letter to the life of Brian Deneke. I've been aware of the story since 1999. As a young punk at the time, it hit close to home. I grew up in suburbia Ontario (Canada) but witnessed many similar realities. This film had my wife and I both in tears. Very heavy, realistic and an over all eye opener. A+ honored to have it in my collection. A true indie gem. Watch the film.
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Well worth the watch & every award
amandagowin19 April 2019
I cried almost as hard as I did at the end of SLC Punk. I'm a Texan, born & raised, and the events depicted here sicken me & make me ashamed to be a resident in a state with such a condemnable justice system. The awful truth is that, in the south, justice is not served for people who are considered "alternative" or outside the norm. People may not consider it "discrimination" to single out those who prefer a certain genre of music, who wear black clothing, or who have piercings & tattoos. But those things neither necessitate a criminal lifestyle, nor can they be used to assume criminal intent. Yet we find the same thing tends to happen over & over when you mix youths of strong, unpopular beliefs or a "weird" disposition with the small-town mob-mentality. The West Arkamsas 3 were wrongly tried & convicted, and spent nearly 20 years in prison based on coerced confessions from a mentally handicapped youth, despite a complete lack of evidence &, in fact, despite alibis & evidence exonerating them. Even after their eventual release, they were made to plead guilty & give up their right to ever contest their wrongful conviction. Those who dole out justice are exempt, it seems, from facing it themselves. And for this reason, I find myself fearful of my state's system of justice as a unique individual, and tearful of the injustices & "singling out" that not only I have faced firsthand, but that everyone even remotely different like me has come to experience.
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engaging twist
SnoopyStyle15 September 2018
It's 1997 in Christian conservative Amarillo, Texas. Football is king. Brian Deneke is a young punk rocker struggling to make his punk club work. His circle of friends are often harassed by the police. Violence escalates between them and the local high school football players as the two sides meet in a deadly clash.

First, I love the twist in the trial. I almost gave up on that part of the movie until it delivers that big surprise. I would like to have Brian's name spoken out loud more. It's a normal movie proposition to accentuate the protagonist. It's also skewed too much on the punks' side of the story. It's expected but it would be more realistic to show some of their indiscretions. It's also missing a police raid on the club which should be expected in this type of movie. Overall, this is compelling true story and the surprise reveal really got me.
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Tells the tale of bomb city punks perfectly
alysa_gyllenband13 February 2018
I was living in Amarillo Texas when this happened, although I was only 8 I can still remember the news story's and the trial. I grew up to be a punk and have a similar life to the punks in this movie. I watched the credits in tears and thought of my youth. I knew the story and what was going to happen and I still became very emotional watching this. I personally know many people who were directly affected by Brian and his tale. The movie was brilliant, very well directed and was visually Amazing.
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White riot
j_smith_714 April 2018
As someone who lived through the original punk era (late 1970's) as a teenager myself, I was looking forward to this reworking of punk as it appeared in the 1990's. I thought it may be reflective of this second wave of teenage nihilism and rebellion. Sadly, it wasn't.

I know the real story of what happened in Amarillo and the outcome for those involved (no spoilers from me). But, truth of the matter is, as the film progressed, it became more and more like this was just The Magnificent Seven with Mohican haircuts. Except, unlike that classic western/Japanese story, the characters herein are not developed in a way which makes the viewer care all that much about what happens to them.

For sure Dave Davis as Brian does an excellent job as the central protagonist but he's the only one with any chops in this movie. The remainder of the cast spend most of the film shouting loud obscenities, (badly) pretending to be drunk and swivel-eyed 'look at me, I'm so different' fakery. This was repeated over and over again in more or less each scene to the point where, as other reviewers here have commented, you could skip from minute 10 to minute 118 and not miss anything of any importance. It is very monochrome in that regard.

All that said, it's a 6 out of 10 film for me. This film would have worked much better had it been cut to an hour maximum. It needed to focus on Dave Davis' Brian more. It needed more of his family background, how and why he became a punk (when punk had been dead 20 years by this time anyway) and it needed to just tell the story without forcing sentimentality in our faces.
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Needed more meat.
TheOneThatYouWanted5 January 2019
Based on a true story and shot using excellent cinematography but super, super, super lacking on story or script.. probably both.
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Punks not dead. I know it's not.
dinokiller-7095015 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a punk. An older one. Older than Brian would have been had he not been butchered. I've read a lot of the reviews and I agree with some more than others. Yes at times this film drags a bit. Yes the fight and murder should have been filmed in real time.

One review pointed out that the murderer was later imprisoned for probation (parole is after being let out of jail/prison) violations. He spent 5 years in Texas prison for murder. Not justice not karma not fair.

The music was great. The acting iffy at times but not the worst I've seen. But the story is what this was about. Framing a punk how was run down and murdered as being the reason for his murder. Making the rich white privileged preppie/jock into the victim. Nobody deserves to be killed for the music they listen to, the clothing they wear or the number of swear words they shout at cops.

Good movie, great story, tragic end to a young life and a lesson that still isn't being learned.
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Crime to be different
bryangary658 December 2018
Disturbing true story played out in the grim way it unfolded.

Well put together but not a film to watch If looking for a pick me up
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Can't understand the high ratings..
jps-833225 December 2018
I cannot understand the high ratings. I get that it is low budget and the director's first film, but it is poor. Firstly, the acting is terrible.

Both the punks and the jocks come across as complete prats, so it is hard to root for either of them. The punks probably annoy more, because they are in the film more. I get the impression you are meant to root for the punks, but they come across as idiot trouble makers who bring it on themselves. Aside from this the film is incredibly slow and a large part in the middle seems to have no relevance to the story.
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Deserved better
bradleyferrier11 February 2018
This film comes together in the end, trouble is, nothing has happened for the previous 70 minutes. Lots of yelling obscenities and underwhelming scenes that do nothing to connect the viewer with any of the characters, which is a shame. If there had been more effort into establishing the character of at least one of the main players then this could have been a little masterpiece, as all the ingredients are there for it. You could probably watch the first 10 minutes, skip an hour, and watch the remaining 20 and it'd be the same as watching the whole thing. That's where this film lets itself down and that hour of film literally could have told any story it wanted, rather than the hodgepodge of comparisons between the local punk kids and the local football team that leave the viewer wondering what there is to fuss over.
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Almost A Modern Version Of The Outsiders
TheAnimalMother9 November 2021
Don't get me wrong, the story here is not quite as good overall as The Outsiders. Nor is it nearly as convincing in who is to blame. But of course The Outsiders is fiction, and this is based on real life. Who's to blame, and how much blame is actually deserved in reality, is so much harder to pinpoint than in most works of fiction.

While I think this film is reasonably good, and well worth a watch; I really don't think the film is nearly as effective as it thinks that it is. It also seems to show a little bias of it's own in fact. Watch it yourself and see what you think. The guy who ends up sentenced was actually given 10 years probation, a long time, and then when caught drinking which violated his probation, he wasn't treated so lightly. He actually ended up serving nearly 4 years in prison.

While sometimes I don't mind some of the points that Marilyn Manson has brought up from time to time about American culture, I really felt he didn't help this film much, if at all; As his narration at the beginning is somewhat interesting & thought provoking, but when he finishes what he has to say at the end, it really amounts to little more than stupidity. Manson also states that not one day was spent in jail by the young man portrayed here, but in fact, as I already stated due to his probation violation in connection to this event, he did eventually end up serving many, many days. But Manson rarely seems interested in truth, but rather his interests lie mostly in shocking people. To me, I understand an artists desire to stir things up, to try and provoke change. Manson however is not one to attack things in a fully authentic fashion, hence the lack of his effect on cultural change on any large scale.

Overall I think the film is a good cautionary tale. Even though it seems to think it is more than that. 7/10.
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Stunning. Speechless yet something that will linger for years in your mind!
Jen-longwell29 November 2019
I have seen my share of movies with a shocking twist or a devastating ending or just something absolutely great that you can't stop talking about. This isn't that movie......... well, not in the traditional sense. I want to tell everyone about it but it feels like I'm invading someone else's life so haunting that I can't and don't want to tell anyone about it. I want to TALK to someone about it that's seen it and has that feeling it leaves you with inside. It's like your one of them now. You feel every drop of humiliation, horror, injustice, rage, alone, with times of joy mixed with not just the confusion of growing up in a regular unpopular (or popular) stigma, you feel the confusion and self hate of not fitting in so you just find what little bit of joy you can whether it be the way you wear your hair, dress, talk, act out, act perfect, and so on.... THE DAMN CLICKS NEVER GO AWAY and parents do nothing but deny it's their children that's the problem! Wake up people! Someone's "ANGELS " are really well cloaked "DEMONS" and it's never the ones you thought! Well, most of the people that see the clicks on the surface. Anyway, off subject. It really brings up feelings that you can't understand until you open your mind and forget your walstreet biases and remember these kids hurt deep and bleed just like yours. I wasn't popular or an outcast. I was just there so I feel I really felt this story and I hope you watch it , give it a chance and feel it too. I feel guilty that this happened yet I wasn't part of the problem but I also haven't been part of the solution. I don't know what it is but watching this and actually UNDERSTANDING and feeling it is a step.

I love this movie! Thank you for it. I watched it months ago and I'm still thinking about it.
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Perspective is the Key
PhilipGHarris18 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Bomb City considers the case of a true-life manslaughter in Amarillo from the perspective of the victim and his friends. Identifying the problems between those who have chosen to conform to society's values and those who have chosen to reject them in the search for something new. It's a difficult task to achieve and writers Jameson Brooks (director) and Sheldon Chick almost manage to pull it off.

Whilst the interplay between Brian (Dave Davis) and his friends slowly reveals a person who still has strong family connections and a true heart, when it comes to his passion. It also cuts to a future court case and counters this with the attorney, Cameron Wilson, fighting against his actions in court. A masterfully powerful performance by Glenn Morshower. This interplay key to the developing narrative which discusses who was right and who was wrong.

As tensions rise between the punks and the jocks in the town of Amarillo you can only see the story going in one direction, and the writers ensure you know that by starting near the end, intercutting to the court and then exploring the reasons. Seeing the police act differently to the two groups and casting the punks in the more fundamentally artistic role, while the jocks are seen as the drunken louts. A side that the film fails to explore to satisfaction, especially the Dynamite Museum - which seems to be a far more intrinsic plot point at the end than it is given credit for.

Perhaps if the background of the jocks had been more fully explored there could have been some factors which would be of interest. As an alternative myself, I often found myself when younger being stopped by the police for merely walking down the street. But on leaving the theatre I still felt the film didn't address the differences to my satisfaction. Although it did lead me to research the real-life event, which perhaps was the point.

All that being said, the way the film feels and the sense of growing oppression are well handled. Acting is sensitive and tormented when it needs to be and camera work reflects the style of the story, which are all positives. Telling the tale from a perspective that certainly wasn't covered in the press.
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You can "Judge" by the cover but you can't Conclude by the Cover
farrazmaulana23 February 2018
Great Movie,i love the story,i love the cinematography, and More important i like the moral value that i can get from this movie. Maybe someone have a bad Cover ex: Punk(by a lot people say), but in his conscience he has a good side, he real he doesn't have two personality he really good. Different with "People Tie" by the covers he smart, he good, he friendly, but by the inside he have a evil, he have a knife that will kill you, he has a position that will knock you down

i'm sorry if my english language so bad.. I'm just trying to review this film and saying my opinion
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Thoughtfully presented using well adapted tools.
cscottrunit27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film is based on events surrounding the 1997 homicide of an urban punk enthusiast and musician, Brian Denek, by a high school football player in Amarillo, Texas. The cultural clash depicted between the athletes and punks shows how both life styles mirror each other, at some level, but how the culture of the athletes is actually based on real violence vs the overarching perceived violence of the punk rock community. Neither side of the conflict is without blame, however, and the film does a good job of depicting this fact, as well as showing the difference between how society reacts to the athletes social culture vs the punk's social culture.

The narrative of the film is draped over the trial resulting from Denek's homicide. Through most of the film, the defense attorney appears to actually be the prosecutor. In fact, the film depicts the entire punk culture as being dangerous to American culture without objection from the prosecutor. At one point, the defense attorney says that Denek's death was the right thing to have happened, that Denek's choices could only result in his homicide.

The court case sparked debate over injustice in the American judicial system. The athlete, despite overwhelming evidence that he committed vehicular homicide, was sentenced to probation, after which he graduated from high school and attended college. The conclusion of the film seems to be that the athlete's guilt is meaningless because he killed a person whose value is not easily understood by mainstream society. This isn't a new subject for a film, but the film approaches the issues using unusual subjects and well thought-out narrative techniques.
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jdmcniel12 February 2018
Perfectly written, acted, portrayed...all the sites, it all brings back a lot of memories. Absolutely wonderful movie, and it will stay in my collection from here on out.
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Was actually very good.
jerryadlington15 February 2018
There are so many bad or highly over rated movies made now that my expectations are pretty low. I thought this was going to be the same. The way it started set a trend that you thought Just No. That was an important trend setting. The acting directing and production were that of a good A movie. The story was well told. I wish more films of this quality were available. I highly recommend it.
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Your Honor, he just deserved killing.
nogodnomasters8 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film is based on a true story, but one most people are no familiar with. In the Bomb City of Amarillo, a group of punk-anarchist kids irritate the local Christian athletes. And the feeling was a bit mutual. There is a trial going on, although we don't know what it is about. The tension between the groups build until someone is killed.

It was an interesting group. In Texas they have a legal white defense, "Your Honor, he just deserved killing." It appeared that was invoked. Interesting film, mildly entertaining.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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owjan-4597928 August 2020
Some white junkies kicked other white junkies. Punk VS Redneck. American stupidity at the most. What a big deal. Waste of Time. Could watch a comedy instead.
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ibnelnafees14 April 2018






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