Manny's Muffins
"Manny's Muffins" was created for The NYC Midnight Movie Making Madness, an organization that has been holding exciting creative competitions since 2002 and is dedicated to discovering and p... Read all"Manny's Muffins" was created for The NYC Midnight Movie Making Madness, an organization that has been holding exciting creative competitions since 2002 and is dedicated to discovering and promoting a new wave of talented storytellers.(filmracing .com/24/about . htm) The original... Read all"Manny's Muffins" was created for The NYC Midnight Movie Making Madness, an organization that has been holding exciting creative competitions since 2002 and is dedicated to discovering and promoting a new wave of talented storytellers.(filmracing .com/24/about . htm) The original short films (4 minutes max.) given a theme, action, and prop assignment. Our theme was co... Read all