..well, not cities lol. This film is sort of a documentary, interviewing a diverse group of women about (no spoiler here) their breasts. Not only is the topic obviously female-centric, the production is too. Written, produced, filmed and largely edited by a female crew, it can assuredly be said this is a film about women, lovingly made by women.
In this film you meet several different types of women...some younger, some older...all sharing their thoughts about their breasts. How they came to be aware of them, how they came to live with them, how they came to discover them and the roles they can play in their lives. And these testimonies differ. For example, when the topic moved to intimacy, some women talked about the prominent role their breasts play in lovemaking, while others said they felt no sensitivity there and couldn't be bothered.
Other areas are covered, like shaming, cancer, motherhood, and so on, with the various women revealing more of themselves from the inside than they ever do on the outside (although it should be mentioned here that all of the women briefly disrobe for part of their interviews, however most of the time they remain clothed).
Overall this was an interesting look into the female psyche and a rare window into topics you don't discuss; at least, not in mixed company. Women talking about their breasts is hardly "dinner conversation" or something to explore on a first date! But here these feelings and emotions are laid bare (yes, pun intended!) and I'd say there's some value in it for both women and men alike.
It's probably not something I'd watch again, but I did find it compelling at times, and informative, and some of the women's sharing will likely stay with me for a while.
6/10. Worth a look.