I love this series and the people in the programme who are so dedicated in their work. But recently one of the programmes aired that l watched l found devastating.
I couldn't believe as l watched and listened in horror about a Puppy who was stolen from a family's garden. It went on to tell us about how FOUR teenagers then took this family's beloved pet back to a Flat somewhere in England, and proceeded to torture the poor animal breaking its paw etc. For a number of hours before they decided between them to take this almost dead and dying puppy and dump it in a ditch leaving it alone and in agony!
I could not believe the graphic details we had to share which were too gruesome for anybody to listen to even though there are warnings of some things that might upset some Viewers at the beginning.
I couldn't get to the remote as l sat in shock on my Sofa listening to the sombre tone of the narrator relentlessly continue with the Lurid details. I sat there in floods of tears and anger thinking to myself if l had wanted to watch a Horror film l would have turned to a different Chanel to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Although these four men were caught and taken to Court, the Sentence was laughable where they should have simply been locked up and the Key thrown away to protect us all from such Monsters but such is the Law.
The amazing finale watching this little wonderful Pup back with his Family, running around in the garden again, Ordeal forgotten, was not enough to lift my spirits again and l reflected on how horrible living Human beings that walk amongst us, could behave with such appalling sadistic Violence against such a small defenceless
Animal without rhyme or reason AND Four of them where you would think some sort of Sanity or Pity would prevail amongst one of them to protest and try to stop the Torture of the Puppy.
I'm sorry but at the time just after viewing this programme, l could have taken these four men outside, put them up against a Wall and shot them myself and l would not normally try to hurt any Living Creature, being a Rescue Cat and Dog Owner myself.
Basically the details of the Torture inflicted on the Pup was unnecessarily too Graphic in detail and went on too long; and for what purpose, except for maybe the four young men responsible having now reached Celebrity Status and rejoicing in it !