The story begins after Lord Sriram defeating Ravana, he returns to Ayodhya along with Goddess Sita and crowned as the emperor, settles down to a harmonious lifestyle along with his biologica... Read allThe story begins after Lord Sriram defeating Ravana, he returns to Ayodhya along with Goddess Sita and crowned as the emperor, settles down to a harmonious lifestyle along with his biological and fosters mothers, three brothers Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan and their wives. Whe... Read allThe story begins after Lord Sriram defeating Ravana, he returns to Ayodhya along with Goddess Sita and crowned as the emperor, settles down to a harmonious lifestyle along with his biological and fosters mothers, three brothers Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan and their wives. When his spies inform him that his reputation may be at stake as Sita had spent over a year i... Read all