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Scream Queens (TV Series 2015–2016) Poster


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Welcome to the Slasher Universe
AlbertoAndolini3 October 2015
This is clearly a show that some will appreciate and others will not. After reading some of the other reviews, maybe I like this show so much because I have never watched GLEE.

I think some reviewers have missed a couple things. First, this is not just a parody/homage to great horror movies. It is a parody of bad horror movies. Second, you're not in the real world anymore. You're in Slasher Universe, a universe of 1-dimensional characters, bad dialog, silly plots, terrible decision-making, and all the other horror conventions we've come to know and love. That this series of events could not possibly occur in the real world is exactly the point. This universe, while superficially similar to ours, operates very differently. It is populated by dumb jocks, corrupt or incompetent authority figures, earnest if clueless parents, killers in grotesque costumes, and of course SCREAM QUEENS. This is a show about clichés and conventions. If you have watched 3 slasher films in your life, then most everything in this show will seem familiar to you. To me, the silliness of the humor makes it more enjoyable than some of the poorly acted and directed movies that it satirizes.
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I'm 48 and I LOVE IT!
parque2 October 2015
I admit it, I'm a grown up woman and I love this show. It is intentionally meant to be campy and silly as it is mocking the horror genre and typical themes of those types of movies or shows. So there are stereotypes all over the place, but for me, that is part of the charm and what makes it funny. And there are so many little jokes and references that younger people might not get and maybe that is why some don't appreciate it. But I find it to be very clever.

The basic storyline is that of a killer or killers stalking and killing girls on a college campus in a particular sorority. Who is/are the killer/killers? Well, I have a feeling we will be led down a path to each person at some point during the series only to find out it isn't them until the ultimate reveal. And while American Horror Story (also by Ryan Murphy) is usually bloody and gory for the shock effect, this is much tamer and much more easy to watch if you aren't into gore.

There is a lot of innuendo and sex references, so may not be appropriate for some younger teens, but nothing over the top. And the dialogue is very fast paced and you will probably want to seriously smack Emma Robert's character after the first few minutes, but her narcissism is what makes it all work. It's all about her. At least in her mind. And you are supposed to hate her, that is the point. She is another stereotype. The typical mean girl leader.

If you like campy horror, you will probably love it.
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More comedy than horror
phd_travel3 October 2015
This series has the right balance for a comedy with some horror. It's less graphic than American Horror Story and less hectic than Glee. The horror isn't as sickening as AHS so a wider audience can watch it. The pace is less hectic and slapstick than Glee. The one liners are funnier and you have time to digest the jokes. It's more comedy than horror and I'm fine with that.

Emma Roberts is the queen bee of a sorority where murders are taking place. She is given a lot of the good lines and she delivers them quite well. You can see her learning to be a comedienne here. She looks prettier than in AHS. Abigail Breslin is a bit under utilized. Lea Michelle doesn't dominate the other cast and that's good.

Jamie Lee Curtis has a juicy role as Dean of the school. The guys seem a bit nondescript despite a Nick Jonas guest appearance.

Pleasantly surprised.
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I'm 74 and I LOVE Scream Queens!
judstark14 February 2019
This is a brilliantly written, directed and shot series. I was shocked and deeply disappointed when it was cancelled. I miss it still. The photography and set design...along with the costumes were superb. It fascinated and of course repelled me in the parts it was supposed to! It was hilarious and biting in its take on our superficial ways. Sigh. I don't supposed anyone would ever bring it back?
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Emma Roberts is the MVP
PotterHead-78 April 2021
Funny, entertaining and well cast with some interesting mysteries and creative kills.
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We want season 3!
jawarneh_lubna26 December 2019
That's it.. We want season 3, it's like life is always on the opposite side. When a silly series has 10 seasons and yet when we have an exciting TV show they just cut it and leave it uncompleted. That's not fair
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ToxicJug14 December 2020
Scream Queens is a show that Iv'e held off on watching for the longest time as I truly didn't think it would be for me. After years of avoiding this show, I was pleasantly surprised when my girlfriend finally convinced me to watch it. Whether it was the low expectations or even the fsvtgoing in having no clue what I was about to watch but, I found this show to be very entertaining and fun. While this may not be the show for everyone as it is "over the top" I personally find its craziness to be its best feature given how intentional it was in order to poke fun at the horror/slasher genre. Speaking of how "over the top" this show can be, that aspect shines more than ever when referring to the characters themselves. Characters that would normally be ridiculous, or unbearable, are complimented by hilarious writing and incredible acting transforming those "unbearable" character into characters that are stupidly hilarious and fun to watch. This show manages to be an odd horror comedy while simultaneously being an interesting murder mystery. Long story short this show definitely left me wanting more and I was very bummed to find out that it had been canceled after only two seasons.
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Scream queens is the perfect mix of both American horror story and old cliché thriller movies
HarleenQuinzel167 September 2016
Great, just a fantastic TV show After my sister trying to convince me to watch scream queens i finally gave into her and said i would watch the show just so once i finish it i could say "i told you so" because i knew i would hate the show, never have i been so wrong.

Even the first episode is amazing and i have read so many reviews saying it is stupid and poorly made but some people just don't understand that's the point. scream queens plays like an old slasher movie in a funny way. Its not meant to be taken to serious which some people just don't get. scream queens plays into the clichés like the jock and his girlfriend the mean blonde popular girl who would rather die then chip her nail polish, and i think its hilarious.

If American horror story was a bit to gory for you or glee was a bit to dull give scream queens a shot I think its a great show and it doesn't hurt to a least watch an episode.
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love Chanel #5
SnoopyStyle15 May 2017
Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) is the self-obsessed arrogant queen bee leading Kappa Kappa Tau at Wallace University. She can't bother to remember and names her minions all Chanel; Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande), Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd), and Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin). Twenty years earlier, there was a surprise birth and death at the sorority. Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) is the new dean. She tries to revoke the sorority but ends up opening pledging to all students. Various girls apply including Grace Gardner (Skyler Samuels) and Zayday Williams (Keke Palmer). As Chanel tries to drive out the new girls, somebody dressed as the Red Devil starts killing them. The second season has Munsch running a hospital which is haunted by new serial killer, the Green Meanie.

I love the Chanel on Chanel emotional violence. Emma Roberts' constant put down of Abigail Breslin is hilarious. The mystery part is less compelling. It becomes a series of killings without any rooting interest. Any investigation is just a bunch of random twists and dead ends. At its best, it's a fun skewering of the horror genre. At its worst, it's a boring meandering random murder mystery. Through it all, there is the irreverent Ryan Murphy brand of humor.
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Hard to watch.
KeiraHunnam24 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
'Scream Queens' comes off as trying too hard.

I get that the show is not meant to be taken seriously and it's supposed poke fun at current social behaviors but their attempt at humor fails miserably. Instead, I get quite irritated and I find myself cringing almost half the time as the scenes are constantly silly.

The characters lack depth and charm – they're either way too stereotypical or way too weird. I've got to say though, Emma Roberts really shines in this. Her character reminds me of her role in the movie 'Wild Child' where she also plays a rich, spoiled brat. She's the one that makes the show easier to watch for me.

At this point, I don't give the slightest care in the world as to who's the Red Devil as there's basically zero build up from the get go. Such a shame as the costume, makeup and music choices were all quite wonderful. As a horror comedy, the overall lack of suspense and humor makes 'Scream Queens' unwatchable.

Or maybe it's just me.
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This show is absolutely hilarious and fantastic!!! BRING IT BACK!!!!
Solid_Gold16 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why did they cancel this show? It's off the hook!!! Only this year I began watching it on Netflix. Usually, I do not watch TV shows, but finally I decided to get Netflix. Jamie Lee Curtis is amazing! I love how she parodies her own history as the queen of all "Scream Queens" herself. The dichotomy of her character, Dean Munsch, being a feminist, yet also a promiscuous sex object is absolutely awesome!!!

Kristie Alley was great too, as were Emma Roberts, Billie Lourd, and Abigail Breslin. Same with Lea Michele and Nick Jonas. Oh, and John Stamos and Taylor Lautner! The show parodies so many classics, such as "Heathers", and "Mean Girls", as well as doctor dramas like "E.R.", and "Grey's Anatomy". Not to mention horror classics, such as "Halloween", "A Nightmare on Elm Street", "Friday the 13th", and "Sorority Row", among others. I loved every minute of the show.

Keke Palmer is fabulous as the girl-next-door, and brilliant med student. It was nice to see a black girl who wasn't portrayed as "ghetto" or belligerent. Niecy Nash was hilarious too, especially how her character flawlessly and unrealistically moves up the ranks of law enforcement, from security guard to FBI agent. The break-up scene with Chad was super comical too! Chad is so funny, as the dumb jock/arrogant F-boy, philandering boyfriend.

I could go on and on! This show is wonderful, I hope they bring it back!!!! The 80s music is a nice touch too. I grew up watching horror films, so this show was extra enjoyable to me!
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Generally satisfying, if perhaps too talky, horror comedy series (season 1)
gridoon20243 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Scream Queens" is one of the three 2015-2016 attempts to make a slasher TV series; the others are "Slasher" and "Scream". None of them are quite as good as 2009's "Harper's Island", at least in their first seasons, but they all have their strengths. If "Slasher" was the most serious one (95% horror, 5% comedy) and "Scream" was self-aware in the manner of the movies (50% horror, 50% comedy), "Scream Queens" is their most openly satirical, sometimes even cartoonish cousin (30% horror, 70% comedy). Its satire of the popularity-obsessed social-media culture is spot-on, even if after three-four episodes you may get the feeling that it keeps making the same satirical points over and over; it does get excessively talky (and pop-reference-heavy) on occasion. But it does have an intricate, labyrinthine plot which is tied up in a neat little bundle by the end of the first season. The casting is excellent (Emma Roberts is brilliantly sarcastic, Skylar Samuels is really beautiful, Bilie Lourd has a great deep voice, "Chad" the stud and "Denise" the security officer-cum-chief of police are very funny, etc.), and the soundtrack features a superb collection of classic pop hits. *** out of 4.
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What a waste of a great idea... will go down in history as another letdown to horror fans
WanderingGeek30 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ryan Murphy really had a great opportunity to do something great with Jamie Lee Curtis and this idea. Scream Queens is less of an original idea and more a title that people have branded Ms Curtis and other iconic heroine's in the horror genre. Ryan Murphy took this idea and created yet another idiotic, chopped up, flimsy story. He has wasted the talents of his cast by making these women into vapid, one dimensional and stupid girls with no common sense. A scream queen is supposed to be smart, cunning and focused. We were promised a slasher anthology with Jamie Lee Curtis and Emma Roberts standing back to back and leading a group of girls to stop a serial killer. This is not what we get. It's pretty much House on Sorority Row. Scream Queens feels a lot like American Horror Story, another Ryan show, and like AHS: Coven, Scream Queens feels much longer and twice as boring as what is generally agreed to be the worst season of the show, right down to Emma Roberts playing the same character. What you're left with is another toss salad of crap that is another Ryan Murphy joke. Here's what you can expect from Scream Queens:

  • Vagina 'jokes' in every scene. Seriously, every variation of a vagina nickname is used in the first three episodes. - Every character tries to outwit each other. It's as repetitive as it is infuriating. Imagine Juno the TV show, and every character is Juno. - Do you enjoy character development? Or common sense? Or continuity? Well, you're out of luck here. Characters motivations are chopped and changed, and the decisions and consequences to their actions are non-existent. - The jokes are so lame. You will definitely feel a sense of trying way too hard... every second line is a lame reference to a horror movie this show is trying to homage but in fact weakening by associating it with this dreck. - Everything is so fast paced whenever anything important happens but when it comes to boring romantic subplots or long, long, unnecessary speeches about a vagina and sex suddenly they have all the time in the world. - The show labels itself a slasher and a dark comedy. It is neither. It is so over the top to the point of stupidity. It is less of a comedy and more of a bumbling attempt at trying to be edgy. It has no idea what sort of comedy it's trying to produce. Jamie Lee Curtis as the Dean of the university will, for example go to sleep listening to a white noise machine playing the sound of a slasher movie. This is just apparently something her character does?

Throw in two lines of script from Ariana Grande and several endless shots of Nick Jonas shirtless and playing the obligatory token gay character, mix in every female character going boy crazy despite the circumstances she finds herself in and endless meandering and you have Screen Queens.

This show is a mess.

Variety recently published a cover story with Jamie Lee Curtis and Emma Roberts in which Jamie Lee stated that this show will probably be the highlight of her career... I wonder if she had actually seen this show. Emma Roberts is a great actress and all her scenes are made up of making over the top racist, homophobic and sex jokes that don't offend me because of they're context, they offend me as a viewer because her character has no reason to do this other than to hopefully elicit a chuckle from the viewer. It doesn't, because it's lame.

No one cares that there is a serial killer on the loose on a college campus. The writers immediately wrote themselves into a corner and don't try and do anything to help this plot make any sense. The viewer is constantly asking "why don't the girls just go elsewhere instead of staying in the house where several people have been murdered?" Each girl is essentially wearing a sign on her back saying KILL ME! This is a pretty huge hole in the story and the writers aren't the least bit smart about it. In a movie you can get away with it, in a TV show that spans several weeks it's just idiotic. I really wanted to like this show. I really wanted to find something good or redeeming to add to this review, but sadly there is nothing good about this.

Avoid this show at all costs and re-watch Scream or Halloween.
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Outrageously awesome.
Shopaholic3530 December 2015
Holy crap this show is psycho. It's absolutely hilarious but who behaves this way around death. Although it's completely outrageous and over the top there were glimmers of sanity. But if you don't have a sense of humour then don't bother watching won't like it. For everybody else this is a must watch show. I cannot get over how good it is and hope it retains it's awesomeness through each season.

It has taken heaps of inspiration from various pop culture references but it doesn't feel awkward or unnecessary. It just makes the show even more hilarious and relevant. It's not your average show but even so it reminds me of Glee, Pitch Perfect and Scream all rolled in together, just without the singing. Do yourself a favour and give this campy teen slasher series a go.
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This show is not for adults.
thheap22 September 2015
I'm 29 years old and I could tell within the first 25 minutes that this was not made for my age group. I was excited to watch Scream Queens because I'm a huge horror fan. And with Supernatural getting old, The Walking Dead not being my cup of tea, and my lack of love for American Horror Story I figured I might have finally found a horror series I can cling to. WRONG!

This series is about b**tches being b**tches towards helpless nerds. We've seen this so many times before. It's played out. It's not funny. It's boring. And it makes the show appear down right juvenile. I understand what they're trying to do. They're trying to be Clueless meets Scream, meets Mean Girls, meets Scary Movie but it ain't working. It comes across as try hard and obnoxious. I think I laughed twice out of the entire 2 hour special although they attempted to be funny numerous times and failed.

If I were a 15 year old girl then I think I "might" would be able to appreciate this. But I'm not. I'm a grown woman who has real life problems and I can't view this unrealistic world or these annoying characters as entertaining. I only gave it two stars because the lawnmower scene was funny.
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This show was hilarious!
CWM_1623 September 2015
Scream Queens really lives up to the hype and just by watching the first two episodes I can see so much potential for the rest of the season. But I can also see people taking this show to seriously, which will make it lose its charm. I think that most older adults will probably not enjoy this because of the language and will think it's to silly, but it being silly is what makes it good! This series is a comedy horror which makes it creepy but also hilarious at the same time, like someone could be about to die and then something funny will happen in that same scene which will make you laugh out loud. And just seeing Emma Roberts on screen being sassy is amazing. Also the old school horror movie slasher vibe works so well! If you liked Heathers, Mean Girls, Friday the 13th and Halloween you'll definitely love this!
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ZERO need for a second season....
metaldumpling14 June 2022
The first season was absolutely incredible. I'm a huge fan of the first season of this show, but it almost felt like a punch in the face for them to introduce a "green devil" in the second season. That was the stupidest most irritating way they could've made season 2. Season 1 is a 10/10, Season 2 can go die in a well!
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Crazy, far out, clever, and sexy fun with fun suspense and teen queen drama!
blanbrn15 October 2015
"FOX's" "Scream Queens" without a doubt has to be one of the wildest and most wicked new series of the TV season! It's a mixed blend of horror, comedy and drama suspense that each week keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat! From creator Ryan Murphy it's really a mix of "American Horror Story" meets "Glee". Anyway set at Wallace University a strange series of murders start to happen and soon it's thought that they are related to past murders from 1995. And the hunted include a group of sexy colored bra wearing sorority girls with witch pledge ice queen Chanel Oberlin(Emma Roberts) leading the way. Good supporting turns are given from other girls played by Abigail Breslin and Lea Michele and the head of it all is the classic scream queen herself Jamie Lee Curtis("Halloween"!)who's tough and no nonsense as the Dean Cathy Munsch. And the slick and silk red devil who's shown committing the blood murders each week just rocks it up with homicide fun! "Scream Queens" is a blast of fun, sex, blood, suspense, and drama it's one series to take a slash at and watch!
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Ridiculously Entertaining
KristianZacc28 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A series of murders take place targeting the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority, at Wallace University, on the twentieth anniversary of a pledge which went wrong. This is the basic premise for a show that I really wasn't ever thinking of watching based off trailers that I had seen. However, after about a month I decided to binge watch the first six episodes and I really wasn't expecting what I saw.

I have to say; I really, really enjoyed the first six episodes. Ryan Murphy is back with another series on FOX after having success with Glee and American Horror Story. Straight away I could tell it was a "Ryan Murphy" show just by the way it is shot it reminded me of American Horror Story.

The sorority is led by Chanel Oberlin, played by Emma Roberts, who plays the "bitch" role and she really plays it well, no matter how over the top it may be, because it fits with the overall tone of the show. One of my favourite characters is private security guard, Denise Hemphill, portrayed by Niecy Nash, who plays the character perfectly. Other than the great "hashtag cahoots", it would seem that she is the "voice of the audience" when she points out the obvious that the clueless main characters are oblivious to. She also lays out what could be the rules of the season of how the girls are going to survive. In a scene that gets funnier as she sets each rule that if they follow she will come and protect them.

Murphy also brought his style of comedy, which is extremely dark, and satire from the very first scene and I loved every moment of it. The show really goes out and attacks everything from the stereotypes that come with horror films to society today including YouTube vloggers. It is also very offensive and it is offensive to everyone. Especially, using deaf actress, Whitney Meyer, to portray "Deaf Taylor Swift" who is a big fan of Taylor Swift and throughout her small tenure on the show she is the punchline of most of the jokes. In fact, the opening to the third episode is Emma Roberts' character having "Chanel-'o-Ween" a clear parody of Taylor Swifts "Swiftmas" which is hilarious and quite accurate when comparing it to the original. Almost every character is a terrible person and that is what makes the show that much fun to watch. Definitely, one of the main draws to the show is just waiting to see which one of the complete assholes gets murdered in a brutal way. The main character Grace Gardner, played by Skyler Samuels, may easily be the nicest character on the show but also the most boring but I totally understand the need to have the straight character like most comedy shows.

Jamie Lee Curtis, the original Hollywood scream queen, plays the Dean of Wallace University, Cathy Munsch who has a huge dislike of Kappa Kappa Tau. She is very cold in delivery which works perfectly, especially, in scenes with Emma Roberts. Her role seems to run on a similar track to Jane Lynch in Glee.

The murderer or quite possibly two murderers if the film series "Scream" taught us anything, which could definitely be a possible scenario considering this TV series definitely looks like a spin off of Wes Craven's film series. The killer which is dressed in a red devil costume, also the schools mascot, is going around killing these sorority members. While I have a few theories I am not quite sure there are many clues to watch out for and this isn't that type of show so instead I prefer to sit back, relax, and love what I am watching on TV.

While I'm not sure what they would do different for a season two, even though it is an anthology series, if this was to only last for one season it would definitely be a great show to go back and re- watch, purely, for the entertainment.
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So bad it's good
panospetim22 September 2015
Being one of the most anticipated TV series of fall 2015 I had so much expectations about Scream Queens.

Well, the program didn't meet them. First of all it had so much racist and stereotypical jokes and situations (Channel is the name of the meanest girl, gay man who is in love with his best friend, silly deaf girl etc.) Furthermore it tries so hard to sell to the audience that everyone is a suspect of being the killer. We got it Ryan Murphy. Don't explain verbally every 5 minutes. We watched the clues. Plus Emma Roberts plays the same role. Again. And again.I love this mean girl performance but you can't follow the same recipe over and over again. It's getting boring.

On the other side I liked several characters (security woman, Lee Curtis, Keke Palmer). Some jokes were actually on point, too.

All this nonsense makes you want to watch what stuff will come next. I'll give it another chance. So bad it is good. It can actually work. It could become a guilty pleasure.
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Just horrible
dfn-18224 September 2015
From the moment I saw the trailer and the actors, I knew it would be crap. But, of course, I can't judge something without actually seeing it, right?

So I sat down yesterday and watched the premiere, twice. Couldn't get past the fact everyone's witty and clever, and the jokes, oh God, the jokes were AWFUL. Of course I wasn't waiting for a horror TV show, but this was pretty horrible to watch. I cringed every time someone opened their mouth. The only one who wasn't completely horrible in this, was Skylar Samuels (i think that's her name), she was a decent actress. But the rest of the actors were completely AWFUL. Boring story, boring actors, boring dialogue, just ugh, awful. Of course, to each their own and I'm sure this show will be a hit anyway since people will kiss Ryan Murphy's ass for anything he does ever since he made Glee (which was the only OK thing he did along with Nip/Tuck, but only had like 2 good seasons).

If you like comedy, I don't recommend this, if you like horror, again, i don't recommend this. But, as I said, to each their own. In MY opinion, this show is CRAP. At least the first episode, but I don't think it's going to get better, especially coming from Murphy.
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This Fresh Hell is Brilliant
Dimplemeier30 September 2015
This has got to be one of the best shows I've seen so far this year. It puts a comical spin onto what was already comical about the 90s slasher movies, while still keeping us wondering. The clichés in this are brilliantly served....and it has mystery which you want to keep watching!

I has the comedy that people would think of with something like Scary movie, but it still has the suspense and thrill and mystery that keep you wanting to watch more. The cast are playing the roles very well, and the writers have added the depth to them that will be fleshed out as the series progresses. There are some real good one-liners in there to remember, and the sets/locations suit where its set very well!

Definitely gonna keep watching this one!!!!!
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Campy, fun, dark, slasher comedy
GretasMum5 October 2015
Scream Queens took about 2-3 episodes for me to get into it. It's good fun. Ultra campy. Oftentimes laugh out loud funny. Nice homage to 80s slasher films. If you like campy spoof type shows this is all in good fun. If you enjoy shows like True Blood, American Horror Story and Z Nation you might like this. I'm a huge fan of Jamie Lee Curtis and she's doing a good job with what she's been given, I hope the writers have something better in store for her character though. Overall the show is good fun and seems to be getting better and better with some plot twists. When people call this show bad I have to wonder if they don't understand what "camp" is???
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Slow, Very boring and Trying too hard to become something it isn't
dkkonrope25 September 2015
Okay, so first I heard that this is coming from the producer of American Horror Story which is the show I adored very much. So I try to give it a shot, I start the Pilot with my snack and hope for some funny thriller with satirical joke...

However, it turns out to be a mess with a lot of missed opportunity.

First, It is NOT really funny. OK, I might laugh 1 or 2 times from the 2 hours premier. It is NOT fun also since all the joke seemed to be super forced and the writing is, sorry, really stupid and cliché. Emma Robert is good with the role like this (As you can see in AHS:Coven) but the writing is so over the top that make her looks so silly and stupid. All the characters are super unlikable and it's so hard to watch it without skipping through some of the scene. Then, we have a bad death scene that try to be funny or shocking but turns out to be a big fat MEH. You know it is NOT good when you roll your eyes at almost every death scene in the episode and go like 'This is SO stupid'.

Overall, I won't continue to watch this. It is bad. It is not funny. It's not entertaining. And I suffer a lot even from watching these premiers. I give 3 stars for the sets which looks really nice and some 1-2 funny lines. You might want to check this out, but don't go with high expectation. This is not for everyone.
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ivvanabarac11 December 2020
WE NEED SEASON 3!!! This show hooks you from the first episode. So entertaining and amazing plot. Love it!
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