53 reviews
- ericbordelon
- Feb 5, 2018
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I was entertained by it but don't expect the holy grail of information. I've followed the doctor's work for a while and always found it fascinating, I was hoping for something more I suppose.
Still, this was leaps and bounds beyond other similar UFO/Alien themed documentary if you ask me.
If you have some spare time, give it a go.. That's essentially what I did. I wouldn't mind a follow up honestly, I still can't see giving it beyond a score of 3
Still, this was leaps and bounds beyond other similar UFO/Alien themed documentary if you ask me.
If you have some spare time, give it a go.. That's essentially what I did. I wouldn't mind a follow up honestly, I still can't see giving it beyond a score of 3
The topic is fascinating however the was was executed with many directive and design flaws that didn't work for me and brings to little to the table.
Also needs more background information on both technical (eg isotopic count) and the given subject. Instead the film was stretched with overly long scenes that are neither interesting nor informative, It completely fails when it tries to be emotional or dramatic. I would not want to be in a documentary made by this director.
Also needs more background information on both technical (eg isotopic count) and the given subject. Instead the film was stretched with overly long scenes that are neither interesting nor informative, It completely fails when it tries to be emotional or dramatic. I would not want to be in a documentary made by this director.
This is the worst "documentary" I have ever seen. I would rather have actually been
abducted by aliens and implanted than to have watched this garbage. This might as well have been made by a couple of 14 year olds equipped with an iphone. The most scientific aspect of the entire film was when "Steve the scientist" (in his personal laboratory that looks like a renovated outhouse) pulled out his periodic table of elements to intrepret the alleged data; but what really puts this film over the edge of barely tolerable is the narration by the film maker himself. Terrible.
- pamelonians
- Feb 6, 2018
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I've watched 100s if not 1000s of documentaries... this is hands down the worst I've ever seen. It was even more boring than a documentary about a small family of Aphids my nephew made in primary school. The only question I was stuck with at the end of this piece of garbage is how on earth did this embarrassment make it to the public domain and not my Nephews Aphid anthology? It literally baffles the brain?
- themadcamel
- Jul 14, 2019
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This "documentary" is a joke. Leir was a crackpot podiatrist. The surgery performed was technically awful (they didn't even shave the area). Leir sounds like he's drunk throughout the film and the narrator sounds like a poor man's Christian Slater. Just awful.
- higgins_Andy
- Feb 11, 2018
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Look at the "Trivia" section of IMDB. It seems this is mis-labeled as a documentary. Shouldn't it just be "fiction"? The whole thing is a student film and is "Solely fiction" WTF? Talk about disinformation!!! Glad I read the TRIVIA section (I'm upset about that information being in the "Trivia" section because it's not "TRIVIAL" to know it's FICTION!) before I formed any kind of real opinion. People will believe anything with very little evidence if framed in a "Realistic" way.
If this "Renowned" filmmaker was going for exposing how naive and easily led humans are, he got it!
If this "Renowned" filmmaker was going for exposing how naive and easily led humans are, he got it!
- atilley-814-631609
- Feb 15, 2018
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Who were these "doctors" and "scientists" they are not formally identified in the credits and they all seem to have their own agenda. Why not take the sample to an independent lab for testing and interview the lab technicians. Very disappointing. I would bet my left nut that a few characters in the "documentary" were paid actors.
- willesloco-53074
- Jan 20, 2018
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A very good documentary. I personally liked a number of things that made it stand out from others (in the UFO) field. The back ground look into the Dr Roger Leir for example, showed him not only as a doctor, but also took us into some of his personal life. His love of music which i didn't know about . This only added to realness of the subject matter. I also thought that the camera and editing was good. Always kept your attention without being annoying. The Patient himself was also likable but more importantly, believable. Very glad i watched it.
- bucket2004
- Oct 15, 2017
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- michaelbohan-58928
- Feb 5, 2018
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The "researchers"/"scientists" made a big deal that zinc 64 and 66 were, like, from another galaxy. It took me two seconds on Wiki to learn that zinc 64 comprises almost 50% of all zinc, and zinc 66 comprises almost 28% of all zinc. That means zinc everywhere, even on earth. This one little factoid tells me that the whole "documentary" is much ado about nothing. Pure BS. Thanks a lot, Netflix.
- benniegrezlik
- Jul 13, 2018
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I was really disappointed with this documentary, as was my partner. Promised to lead us down a path of discovery only to constantly hit dead ends. There was no balanced argument, and out of the whole 80 something minutes about 5 of those were interesting. Nah, there's much much better documentaries covering this subject area out there.
Can anyone even take this seriously? If you have even the slightest background in any scientific field, you know the interpretation that this Steve guy (might I add he was arrested back in 95 for suspicion of involvement with the Oklahoma City bombings) was ridiculous. This "documentary" failed to supply any real scientific evidence or interpretation. Let's just call it what it is... a mediocre, at best, sci-fi short on Netflix.
One of the worst films I've ever seen. The level of speculation, conjecture, straw arguments and leading "questions" reveals a gross ineptness, and disregard for factual scientific study (or method). If you like conjecture, illogical arguments and claims, speculation and gigantic leaps in logic and facts - watch this film, otherwise, you're being played just like the author is / was. A terrible movie that pretends to pass of "astounding evidence" which is literally non-existent. And the ending - oh boy, how convenient that was.
- nightengale-31594
- Feb 9, 2018
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If you have an interest in the world of UFOs and the claims of alien abductions... This is a must watch documentary! If you have never really been interested in this subject with the philosophy that it's all bunk
I URGE you to watch this documentary!
The first thing that captures you and draws you in is the cinematography. The way this film is shot is stunning. I love the visual style in which this is filmed.
The story is also compelling. You go on a journey with Patient 17 along with everyone involved. Jeremy captures this as it happens with the characters playing out this real life extraordinary drama. Extraordinary. That is a word to describe this work.
I don't want to give any spoilers away I just encourage you to watch it yourself. You won't be disappointed.
I'm eagerly waiting to see what Jeremy cooks up next. His work has got me hooked!
The first thing that captures you and draws you in is the cinematography. The way this film is shot is stunning. I love the visual style in which this is filmed.
The story is also compelling. You go on a journey with Patient 17 along with everyone involved. Jeremy captures this as it happens with the characters playing out this real life extraordinary drama. Extraordinary. That is a word to describe this work.
I don't want to give any spoilers away I just encourage you to watch it yourself. You won't be disappointed.
I'm eagerly waiting to see what Jeremy cooks up next. His work has got me hooked!
- kerryj-davies
- Oct 12, 2017
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- contactmaz
- Feb 7, 2018
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- jake_fantom
- Feb 7, 2018
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The intro has a voice over and the speaker says he is going to "weaponize my curiosity ". Right there I knew the screenplay was written by an idiot. I could not get past 15 minutes of this amateurish at best , sleep inducing junk. Weaponize my curiosity, really? What the hell does that mean?
So, I have no right to comment on anything but the first 15 minutes. It was a snooze-fest. Poorly written, uninteresting and a turn off.
On the upside, I didn't have to sit through an hour before deciding it was a waste. That was apparent very, very quickly.
How does someone get backing for something so bad ? That's the real "mystery".
So, I have no right to comment on anything but the first 15 minutes. It was a snooze-fest. Poorly written, uninteresting and a turn off.
On the upside, I didn't have to sit through an hour before deciding it was a waste. That was apparent very, very quickly.
How does someone get backing for something so bad ? That's the real "mystery".
- MannyInNewYork
- Mar 29, 2018
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- andletlive
- Dec 29, 2019
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Wow! I am sure there are people out there willing to believe everything they see and hear and you would have to be one of those people to believe the claims outlined by this "documentary". Real scientific evidence is never presented in this film. In addition, the "experts" is this video resort to the "in my opinion" phrase far too often. In my opinion, this film discredits the idea of extraterrestrial existence rather than providing evidence for the existence of alien life forms.
- brandyerskine
- Nov 23, 2017
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Delusional "investigative journalist" makes a documentary that would make Werner Herzog roll in his grave with its lack of objectivity and impartiality. It follows some poor dope ("Patient Seventeen") who has been convinced by possibly the worst friends ever that he has an alien implant in his leg. So he does what any sane person does and goes to see a Doctor Roger Leir, who has been suspended from podiatry for performing the same sort of unnecessary surgeries he is about to oversee in this film. Laughably using a stud finder and an ultrasound, he convinces this poor dupe to have the object removed. He then has the object examined under an electron microscope where... spoiler alert... the results are inconclusive. Good thing this documentary was only made for confirmation bias
- randomthoughtsofmadness
- Jun 14, 2018
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