Right off the bat, this is a low budget film probably by some new unknown writer, director, etc... However, that being said I thought the production value was really good for such a low budget film. The filmatography is perhaps the best highlight of this film and props to the camera director, camera man, and the overall film editing.
However, the audio of the film is what gave it away. Some part has no music at all when it needs it and while other parts have music, such as the chase scene, the music was too quiet or not mixed correctly with the speech audio.
Either way, they were minor issues and overall production value was great. The other thing is the acting, which was surprisingly good for this level of budget. I thought the actors, especially the minor actors, were excellent. They were convincing and fit into the film well, didn't look like people who were reading a script.
Now, you are wondering why the 3 out of 10 then? It is the Script. It started out great, a mystery and it grows. But like most indy scripts, it ran out of ideas and tries to be too flashy. I mean, without giving spoilers, let's just say there are multiple twists and stack on each other. It may seem good on paper, but it makes the story convoluted.
So what started out as a great film in a positive direction ended up a total confusing mess. The ending was just terrible and made no sense at all.