This is so amateur that looks like a bad high-school play or something, not much effort at anything really, specially knowledge of Science and Space technology; not even trying to do thing right with the little they could afford. Nothing was realistic, they went into filming without any knowledge of anything related to even film-making, let alone, making it interesting about anything. The "script" has 0 value, it was done by a lazy teenager in a weekend, about some easy crime in space, without any attempts to learn how to write for such. It was really bad, I can't believe they call this a movie, I'd be totally ashamed to even present this.
This was a lost opportunity to show brilliance of any type, since it'd automatically be highlighted for how bad was everything on this movie, not even the camera movement was right, I've seen movies like this but long ago, when low budget was = to low knowledge, before the Internet and computers and AI. Really no effort here; I can't qualify it 0/10.
This was a lost opportunity to show brilliance of any type, since it'd automatically be highlighted for how bad was everything on this movie, not even the camera movement was right, I've seen movies like this but long ago, when low budget was = to low knowledge, before the Internet and computers and AI. Really no effort here; I can't qualify it 0/10.