The movie was low budget, lacked a lot of originality, and a lot of the script is bad. But still, i saw a lot of fun, people like tone n flip who were played very well, and due to some of the low budget cinematography, a couple scenes come out as truly original and real. Fr tho tones actor you did a phenomenal job. I give it a 7, mainly due to the commitment each actor had to their role, and prob the best super low budget horror movies ive seen. Shout out to officer hatfield, and flip, you really played your character to the most potential it had. Really well portrayed the character. Don't go into this movie expecting a wonderful cinematic experience, expect a borderline highschool project movie, but with commitment and talent n most of the actors and you can tell they tried with what they had. Felt like a refresh from a boring blumhouse dominated horror scene, even if in like everything, blumhouse is better. Support low budget content!