Eenvandaag has become nearly unwatchable. It feels more like a tedious lecture than an engaging current affairs program.
The topics are often presented with a strong left-wing bias, and the reporting lacks balance or nuance. Instead of providing a fair, in-depth exploration of issues, it often comes across as pushing a specific political agenda, aligning closely with government views.
The discussions lack diversity of thought and seem aimed at reinforcing a singular perspective rather than encouraging a well-rounded debate. Overall, it feels more like propaganda than journalism, making it a very dull and frustrating watch.
The topics are often presented with a strong left-wing bias, and the reporting lacks balance or nuance. Instead of providing a fair, in-depth exploration of issues, it often comes across as pushing a specific political agenda, aligning closely with government views.
The discussions lack diversity of thought and seem aimed at reinforcing a singular perspective rather than encouraging a well-rounded debate. Overall, it feels more like propaganda than journalism, making it a very dull and frustrating watch.