I finally got around to watching this and I'm very underwhelmed. It's not bad, it has some humorous parts, but overall, I was actually kind of bored.
Let me get something out of the way, I understand this was for kids, not adults. I'm not ripping on it for that, but there's a point where a show moves from "made for kids" to "just insulting kid's intelligence". This was certainly getting close to the latter.
I'm willing to give them a pass, this was one of the earliest Lego/Star Wars shows to air, so they probably didn't have much to go by. I think we'd all be used to 'The Lego Movie(s)' with awesome stories and humor for everyone of all ages today, so it's easy to forget that a franchise sometimes has to get its footing to be really good (Star Trek TNG wasn't exactly stellar storytelling in its first season). I found some of the humor to be rather dull, especially when making pop culture references to modern day Earth such as C3PO saying he has WIFI, R2D2 calling Anakin 'Einstein' and other similar jokes just don't land well, even for a show made up of characters in Lego form. I did find the mini-clone-clone quite humorous and most of General Grievous' scenes were fun, so it's not all bad. There is a running gag of Yoda always speaking "backwards" when, in fact, he doesn't do it all the time. It gets to the point of being super annoying and they try to remedy this with another joke of how he only does it when he's not mocking someone. I know it's supposed to just be fun and funny, but there's only so long you can hang onto one joke.
I have to wonder if the writers and the art department knew which Star Wars they were working with, this episode alone features Star Destroyers, ships that don't come into existence until ep. 4. There are other ships that resemble X-Wings, but without the s-foils making that signature X shape. Grievous also can't seem to keep the same voice, between this and the next episode, I am certain I heard three different voices, one of which had no sound modulation to make his voice mechanical sounding.
Voice acting is ok, the only really recognizable voice is C3PO and Palpatine is passable (and let's face it, anyone can do Yoda), everyone else is more of a cheap knockoff (Obi Wan is by far the worst). They do much better when you get into "Droid Tales". The actual acting of the voice actors also isn't so hot, again, it's better in later series'.
Honestly, I might recommend skipping this series if you're a hardcore hater, but for everyone else, this would be a good start to see how the team behind these shows progressed when you get into "Droid Tales" and "The Freemaker Adventures". It's still worth the watch.
Let me get something out of the way, I understand this was for kids, not adults. I'm not ripping on it for that, but there's a point where a show moves from "made for kids" to "just insulting kid's intelligence". This was certainly getting close to the latter.
I'm willing to give them a pass, this was one of the earliest Lego/Star Wars shows to air, so they probably didn't have much to go by. I think we'd all be used to 'The Lego Movie(s)' with awesome stories and humor for everyone of all ages today, so it's easy to forget that a franchise sometimes has to get its footing to be really good (Star Trek TNG wasn't exactly stellar storytelling in its first season). I found some of the humor to be rather dull, especially when making pop culture references to modern day Earth such as C3PO saying he has WIFI, R2D2 calling Anakin 'Einstein' and other similar jokes just don't land well, even for a show made up of characters in Lego form. I did find the mini-clone-clone quite humorous and most of General Grievous' scenes were fun, so it's not all bad. There is a running gag of Yoda always speaking "backwards" when, in fact, he doesn't do it all the time. It gets to the point of being super annoying and they try to remedy this with another joke of how he only does it when he's not mocking someone. I know it's supposed to just be fun and funny, but there's only so long you can hang onto one joke.
I have to wonder if the writers and the art department knew which Star Wars they were working with, this episode alone features Star Destroyers, ships that don't come into existence until ep. 4. There are other ships that resemble X-Wings, but without the s-foils making that signature X shape. Grievous also can't seem to keep the same voice, between this and the next episode, I am certain I heard three different voices, one of which had no sound modulation to make his voice mechanical sounding.
Voice acting is ok, the only really recognizable voice is C3PO and Palpatine is passable (and let's face it, anyone can do Yoda), everyone else is more of a cheap knockoff (Obi Wan is by far the worst). They do much better when you get into "Droid Tales". The actual acting of the voice actors also isn't so hot, again, it's better in later series'.
Honestly, I might recommend skipping this series if you're a hardcore hater, but for everyone else, this would be a good start to see how the team behind these shows progressed when you get into "Droid Tales" and "The Freemaker Adventures". It's still worth the watch.