Idu Lokavayya Entha! This Sithesh Govind-helmed movie is rather unique. This storyline is unlike anything I have ever seen in Indian movies. The filmmaker, who is also the film's writer, made a brave attempt. Its plot is complex, with numerous characters presented to the viewer in the first part. When I exited the movie during the intermission, my thoughts went crazy. I was attempting to make sense of it all, but I was becoming completely lost. I became curious about how all of these people would be related to one another and how the story would conclude as a result of this. This caught my curiosity in the latter part. The writer has skillfully made all the connections, cleared out all the plots, and matched every tale. I was thrilled that every character received a closure at the end. Even when the movie was over, I continued to think about it. That is the magic of cinema.