Such a great film. The cinematography by Mike Staniforth is absolutely beautiful, especially when considering that Ripper is a crowdfunded production. The visuals are crisp and clean; however, personally, I believe it would have benefited from a grimey VHS aesthetic, more in tone with the Giallo genre from the past.
The soundtrack by Metal Machine Music is brilliantly done and has shadows of Goblin synth echoing, chillingly throughout. Unfortunately, the musical score doesn't always mix well with what you're seeing on screen, which causes the music to fall a little flat every now and then. Finally, the performances can be a little unbalanced at times and the piece as a whole could have possibly benefited from a music video style approach with the musical score really dictating the emotions of the short.
The soundtrack by Metal Machine Music is brilliantly done and has shadows of Goblin synth echoing, chillingly throughout. Unfortunately, the musical score doesn't always mix well with what you're seeing on screen, which causes the music to fall a little flat every now and then. Finally, the performances can be a little unbalanced at times and the piece as a whole could have possibly benefited from a music video style approach with the musical score really dictating the emotions of the short.