In the backdrop of World War II, Filipino soldiers blow up a schoolhouse, believing it to be occupied by Japanese soldiers. Gonzalo (played by FPJ) discovers that the occupants are actually old men, women, and children. Overwhelmed with guilt, he cares for a survivor named Cristina (Koronel) and escapes. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, the impact runs deep. Gonzalo entrusts Cristina's well-being to Lydia (Roa) and her family, who has a longstanding relationship with known guerilla Celso (Rivero). Concerned about Cristina's recovery Gonzalo has no time for love but tensions loom anyhow between the three.
Lino Brocka, known for his gritty dramas, takes a departure from his usual work with this period film set during World War II. Starring an icon of action cinema, Santiago!, still delves into themes of hardship, vengeance, and redemption. The fiery schoolhouse scenes are visually captivating and a site to behold. However, overall, the film remains an average melodrama without pushing any boundaries.
Lino Brocka, known for his gritty dramas, takes a departure from his usual work with this period film set during World War II. Starring an icon of action cinema, Santiago!, still delves into themes of hardship, vengeance, and redemption. The fiery schoolhouse scenes are visually captivating and a site to behold. However, overall, the film remains an average melodrama without pushing any boundaries.