Watched both the parts together. I have no clue how my brain is functioning properly.
Positives : CGI, Costume Design, Cinematography Negatives : Pretty much everything else. Script/ Story made no sense. Seems like a high school kid wrote it. Expected better from Snyder.
Dialogues are trash Acting is non-existent. Even the most emotional scenes are laughable
It is just like an old western where a group of people band together to fight a common enemy except this movie tales place in space. The movie added nothing new just copy pasted the stale idea. I am not sure why Zack was so excited for this movie. The first part was watchable (it sucked) but the 2nd part made no sense.
Watch it only if you have time and brain cells to kill.
Positives : CGI, Costume Design, Cinematography Negatives : Pretty much everything else. Script/ Story made no sense. Seems like a high school kid wrote it. Expected better from Snyder.
Dialogues are trash Acting is non-existent. Even the most emotional scenes are laughable
It is just like an old western where a group of people band together to fight a common enemy except this movie tales place in space. The movie added nothing new just copy pasted the stale idea. I am not sure why Zack was so excited for this movie. The first part was watchable (it sucked) but the 2nd part made no sense.
Watch it only if you have time and brain cells to kill.