When I saw this title on Netflix I thought "One Day" sounded familiar. It reminded me of this Anne Hathaway film I've never watched but I've seen in passing a million times over the past 10+ years. Lo and behold, the two are based on the same novel.
Coming into it blind, I was not expecting to be as blown away as I was. Seriously, I ended up binge watching the entire series in one sitting yesterday. I can't sing enough praises about it. The story is beautiful and touching. Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall were spectacular, especially Leo Woodall. After making me shed tears I didn't know existed and (parasocially) fall in love with Dex myself, I am such a fan of Leo and his acting now. I felt just about every emotion possible, in the best way possible.
It's made clear early on that when Emma and Dex meet they come from very, very different worlds. Personally, I think casting Ambika Mod was a brilliant move; not only was her acting amazing, but also I think casting a POC as Emma added a whole other layer to the differences between the two and the beauty of their love story that I wouldn't think achievable in the 2011 movie version with Anne Hathaway playing Emma (I should also add I've never read the novel. So, I'm uncertain if Emma was presented as a POC in the book, but if she wasn't, I truly can't imagine it being meant to be any other way). Mod and Woodall have chemistry that is off the Richter scale, and if you're reading this, yes, you should go watch it right now if you have not already!
Coming into it blind, I was not expecting to be as blown away as I was. Seriously, I ended up binge watching the entire series in one sitting yesterday. I can't sing enough praises about it. The story is beautiful and touching. Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall were spectacular, especially Leo Woodall. After making me shed tears I didn't know existed and (parasocially) fall in love with Dex myself, I am such a fan of Leo and his acting now. I felt just about every emotion possible, in the best way possible.
It's made clear early on that when Emma and Dex meet they come from very, very different worlds. Personally, I think casting Ambika Mod was a brilliant move; not only was her acting amazing, but also I think casting a POC as Emma added a whole other layer to the differences between the two and the beauty of their love story that I wouldn't think achievable in the 2011 movie version with Anne Hathaway playing Emma (I should also add I've never read the novel. So, I'm uncertain if Emma was presented as a POC in the book, but if she wasn't, I truly can't imagine it being meant to be any other way). Mod and Woodall have chemistry that is off the Richter scale, and if you're reading this, yes, you should go watch it right now if you have not already!