Maze: The Mega-Burst Space is the story of a young, shy and soft-spoken girl with hidden powers, who mysteriously travels through time and space in a mysterious world. There she meets the fugitive Princess Mill of the Batonian Empire who is on the run from the Jaina Sacred Group. Maze's new role is to protect Mill, who eventually falls in love with Maze. Along the way, Maze and Mill meet a couple of friends: Rapier, Solude, Aster, Woll and Randi. At night, however, Maze transforms into a seductive male who has an unstoppable desire to go to bed with girls So what do you think of this anime In my opinion it has been forgotten too many times Since no one hasn't written the review I'm sorry I quite liked it but nota lot because they were removed and gangs too exaggerated and the character who exchanges with the girl at night as well as being made a lot you know this character better If you want a Fantasy anime I recommend you watch it this is the character I like much more than this anime laPrincess Mill is a character that I really like and even one of my favorite princesses. If anyone cares to write a review, do it immediately to conclude, rating 7.