This show was gorgeously done with its visuals and dialogue. It was cute, fascinating, and had surprising depth. The plots were good and well executed but they seemed to be resolved rather quickly. It was almost like a car break check in the story line. The characters all have great personalities that don't blurry together but work together! Which is something great and rare to see! Visually it has some surprisingly touching moments. Honestly it really made me appreciate real sugar art and glass art.
The insanely fast plot at the end with the villain was very disappointing. You don't get to see if build. It's just in your face, ugly for a bit then gone. If it weren't for that it might have had a 8/10 from me, if not higher.
The insanely fast plot at the end with the villain was very disappointing. You don't get to see if build. It's just in your face, ugly for a bit then gone. If it weren't for that it might have had a 8/10 from me, if not higher.