I was seduced by title.
But the story is just admirable. For simplicity- a robber in small shop, a girl warning him, his radical gesture, a return to reality and a simple demand and a sort of dark angel fixing the desire for a proper order.
The feeling about a presumed series about blackhatter sounds more than reasonable in mind. But, like a very short film, beautiful for precision of details ( and for music ) this film is just a very nice surprise.
In fact, it can be perceved as a pure Christian short film , especially for noble message.
Interesting work, profound inspired end and new dimension of superheroes.
But the story is just admirable. For simplicity- a robber in small shop, a girl warning him, his radical gesture, a return to reality and a simple demand and a sort of dark angel fixing the desire for a proper order.
The feeling about a presumed series about blackhatter sounds more than reasonable in mind. But, like a very short film, beautiful for precision of details ( and for music ) this film is just a very nice surprise.
In fact, it can be perceved as a pure Christian short film , especially for noble message.
Interesting work, profound inspired end and new dimension of superheroes.