Fourth television series dedicated to our beloved Lupin III, who this time shows off a stylish blue jacket in an adventure set almost entirely in Italy, with some detours between San Marino, France and Japan.
After the flop of the third series, which ended in 1985, it took thirty years before seeing a Lupin television series again (except for the 2012 spin-off dedicated to Fujiko) and this series is exactly what we needed.
Here Lupin is told to us in a new way suited to modern times. In previous series, characterized by the large number of episodes, there were almost always stories that concluded during an episode and antagonists that appeared and were defeated in the same episode. Furthermore, the character of Lupin, over the years, had lost the noir tones of the first series and sometimes tended more towards comedy.
Instead, in the fourth series the narration has a modern style: first of all there are fewer episodes (26), in each there is a common thread that follows the main plot of the series and there are new characters who will be present in more episodes to help/ hinder our protagonist.
The character of Lupin returns to have a character closer to that of the first series. Less clumsy and blatantly good, more serious and less comedy. Determined to achieve his goals without too many scruples
This fourth series introduces the modern Lupine. Told with a fresh and new style, which revives the character making it compelling and current.
Furthermore, if you are Italian like me, you will appreciate the setting even more.
Obviously it is not without errors or boring and somewhat useless episodes, but despite this, it manages to attract new viewers and satisfy long-time fans.
Good vision.
After the flop of the third series, which ended in 1985, it took thirty years before seeing a Lupin television series again (except for the 2012 spin-off dedicated to Fujiko) and this series is exactly what we needed.
Here Lupin is told to us in a new way suited to modern times. In previous series, characterized by the large number of episodes, there were almost always stories that concluded during an episode and antagonists that appeared and were defeated in the same episode. Furthermore, the character of Lupin, over the years, had lost the noir tones of the first series and sometimes tended more towards comedy.
Instead, in the fourth series the narration has a modern style: first of all there are fewer episodes (26), in each there is a common thread that follows the main plot of the series and there are new characters who will be present in more episodes to help/ hinder our protagonist.
The character of Lupin returns to have a character closer to that of the first series. Less clumsy and blatantly good, more serious and less comedy. Determined to achieve his goals without too many scruples
This fourth series introduces the modern Lupine. Told with a fresh and new style, which revives the character making it compelling and current.
Furthermore, if you are Italian like me, you will appreciate the setting even more.
Obviously it is not without errors or boring and somewhat useless episodes, but despite this, it manages to attract new viewers and satisfy long-time fans.
Good vision.