I sort of liked this movie. It was cute and had a little charm. The lead actors did their best and they were attractive and likable enough. They did have some chemistry, but, sadly, not enough. The cinematography was pretty good, highlighting the amazing scenery around Vancouver that we see in countless Hallmark or Hallmark-esque rom-coms.
The problem with the movie was it was just kind of dull. Lead characters Liam and Emma seemed to start out a little combatively, but they settled way too easily into being nice to each other and there was no more romantic tension after that. Even their one and only "disaster" blind date didn't sound that bad. So he showed up late for the date, and they crashed while riding a tandem bike. Big deal. In a movie like this, you really needed the bad date to be an unmitigated disaster and you really needed Liam and Emma to be antagonistic and sparring with each other for much of the movie, and they weren't. At the very least, you needed witty banter between them, and there wasn't much of that either.
It could also have been interesting if some of their wedding preparations had gone disastrously, but the only hitch seemed to be when their original venue canceled on them. You knew that they would move to the lovely location on the ocean, even though it took a little while for those clueless two to come up with that obvious choice.
And then you had the misunderstanding where Emma thought that Liam was dating the florist and bringing her to the wedding. That one was handled a bit clumsily, I'm afraid, and it was never too believable. Even the "big decision" of whether or not Emma would take the promotion and move to Seattle wasn't that compelling. You never seriously doubted that she would turn down that promotion and stay in their town to be with Liam.
If this were real life, this would be a nice progression of a romance between two people who were clearly meant to be together. But translated to a movie, a romance where everything just goes smoothly is not very interesting. They needed something to add spice to the story, and that spice was sadly lacking. So, nice, but dull and forgettable would be the best way to describe this movie.
The problem with the movie was it was just kind of dull. Lead characters Liam and Emma seemed to start out a little combatively, but they settled way too easily into being nice to each other and there was no more romantic tension after that. Even their one and only "disaster" blind date didn't sound that bad. So he showed up late for the date, and they crashed while riding a tandem bike. Big deal. In a movie like this, you really needed the bad date to be an unmitigated disaster and you really needed Liam and Emma to be antagonistic and sparring with each other for much of the movie, and they weren't. At the very least, you needed witty banter between them, and there wasn't much of that either.
It could also have been interesting if some of their wedding preparations had gone disastrously, but the only hitch seemed to be when their original venue canceled on them. You knew that they would move to the lovely location on the ocean, even though it took a little while for those clueless two to come up with that obvious choice.
And then you had the misunderstanding where Emma thought that Liam was dating the florist and bringing her to the wedding. That one was handled a bit clumsily, I'm afraid, and it was never too believable. Even the "big decision" of whether or not Emma would take the promotion and move to Seattle wasn't that compelling. You never seriously doubted that she would turn down that promotion and stay in their town to be with Liam.
If this were real life, this would be a nice progression of a romance between two people who were clearly meant to be together. But translated to a movie, a romance where everything just goes smoothly is not very interesting. They needed something to add spice to the story, and that spice was sadly lacking. So, nice, but dull and forgettable would be the best way to describe this movie.