Leslie Fuller and Hal Gordon find themselves in the French Foreign Legion, assigned to a fort under the cruel tyranny of sergeant Alf Goddard. Meanwhile, Renee Houston and Betty Fields are two dancers at a nearby bar, who find themselves kidnapped for the harem of evil H. F. Maltby. Fuller and Gordon break out of the brig to rescue them.
Fuller (1888-1948) was a song-and-dance man who appeared in more than two dozen movies. Most of them were burlesques of popular genres, and this is his Foreign Legion one, with the plot stopping an starting so he can do extended gags. There are the usually slapstick and cross-talk routines, as well as a sequence in which Fuller and Gordon are dressed up like Arab women.
Fuller (1888-1948) was a song-and-dance man who appeared in more than two dozen movies. Most of them were burlesques of popular genres, and this is his Foreign Legion one, with the plot stopping an starting so he can do extended gags. There are the usually slapstick and cross-talk routines, as well as a sequence in which Fuller and Gordon are dressed up like Arab women.