The Crowded room is a tough watch, it's good just tough. This is a psychological thriller that takes place in Manhattan in 1979. It follows the arrest of a young man named Danny Sullivan (Tom Holland) after a shooting at the Rockefeller Center. An investigator named Rya Goodwin (Amanda Seyfried) starts to unfold Danny's life through interviews. Those interviews start to show a very mysterious past that led Danny to be who he is. Danny himself starts to understand his own mental heath problems and the events that led to the shooting. Emmy Rossum also stars as Holland's mother in this. There's no denying the star power on screen here and all do an excellent job, the writing is lacking a bit but because of the performances the actors give it still makes for a good watch. Playing this character was so emotional for Holland and since he's having such a hard time letting this character go that he's taking a year off of acting to clear his head.