Good thing I didn't pay real money to see this steaming pile of garbage -- cuz I would have been pissed!
Every single modern cliche was used up in this movie. It's lazy, full of plot holes, and just plain boring.
I wanted the main characters to die horribly, because they deserved it.
Watching reruns of Dukes of Hazzard is a better use of time -- and I hate Dukes of Hazzard!
Watch anything -- even Sharknado -- instead of this.
You have been warned.
Good thing I didn't pay real money to see this steaming pile of garbage -- cuz I would have been pissed!
Every single modern cliche was used up in this movie. It's lazy, full of plot holes, and just plain boring.
Watching reruns of Dukes of Hazzard is a better use of time -- and I hate Dukes of Hazzard!
Watch anything -- even Sharknado -- instead of this.
You have been warned.
Every single modern cliche was used up in this movie. It's lazy, full of plot holes, and just plain boring.
I wanted the main characters to die horribly, because they deserved it.
Watching reruns of Dukes of Hazzard is a better use of time -- and I hate Dukes of Hazzard!
Watch anything -- even Sharknado -- instead of this.
You have been warned.
Good thing I didn't pay real money to see this steaming pile of garbage -- cuz I would have been pissed!
Every single modern cliche was used up in this movie. It's lazy, full of plot holes, and just plain boring.
Watching reruns of Dukes of Hazzard is a better use of time -- and I hate Dukes of Hazzard!
Watch anything -- even Sharknado -- instead of this.
You have been warned.