This animated movie is simply a brilliant concept of addressing the humanitarian side of what refugees go through in their daily lives coupled with the background of the famous worldly poet Rumi.
It was interesting, yet nice to hear the voices of 3 generations of popular actors: Millie Davis who plays Lamya, Mena Massoud who plays Rumi and Faran Tahir who plays Rumi's father Baha Walad.
Children 10 ish and above should be able to handle the " monster element" Cleverly captured in an animation for family viewing teaching some lessons of good and evil, alongside compassion and hope.
Love it!!
It was interesting, yet nice to hear the voices of 3 generations of popular actors: Millie Davis who plays Lamya, Mena Massoud who plays Rumi and Faran Tahir who plays Rumi's father Baha Walad.
Children 10 ish and above should be able to handle the " monster element" Cleverly captured in an animation for family viewing teaching some lessons of good and evil, alongside compassion and hope.
Love it!!