A beautiful story. At the first sight, about a compulsive thief. At the second, about a form of revenge. Or about the value of objects for each of us and the consecences of to steel them.
But, scene by scene, you discover a film about loneliness and imposibility to be real happy , so the surogates must work for this purpose, about encounter of a happy man and his not comfortable but useful to precious lesson.
And this makes this film just special, crowned being by a lovely last scene.
A film about a plate with objects, about a good looking guy and about a necklace who represents a significant legacy . So, only changes of life. In good sense.
But, scene by scene, you discover a film about loneliness and imposibility to be real happy , so the surogates must work for this purpose, about encounter of a happy man and his not comfortable but useful to precious lesson.
And this makes this film just special, crowned being by a lovely last scene.
A film about a plate with objects, about a good looking guy and about a necklace who represents a significant legacy . So, only changes of life. In good sense.