This Filipino film is centred on a young woman who works at a department store. The staff are somewhat put-upon, with her boss constantly criticising her apparel. Away from work she lives in a small flat with another woman and is struggling to pay the rent. One night she hears a gunshot and goes outside; she finds a revolver abandoned in an alley. Shortly afterwards she is attacked at work... she realises the gun gives her the power to go after her assailant. As the finally catches up with him the action flashes back some time; we then follow the gun from the time it is refurbished in a backstreet workshop and passes through various hands before finally our protagonist has it.
I must say this wasn't the film I expected it to be. Instead of a cliché revenge thriller we get more of a social commentary. This was not a problem as I found the story interesting as while it clearly had things to say about certain issues it wasn't heavy handed about it. The cast was solid; particularly Janine Gutierrez who impressed as the titular Girl with the Gun. The locations used may not have a big budget feel but they give a sense of realism that the subjected needed. Overall I thought this was well worth watching.
These comments are based on watching the film in Filipino with English subtitles.
I must say this wasn't the film I expected it to be. Instead of a cliché revenge thriller we get more of a social commentary. This was not a problem as I found the story interesting as while it clearly had things to say about certain issues it wasn't heavy handed about it. The cast was solid; particularly Janine Gutierrez who impressed as the titular Girl with the Gun. The locations used may not have a big budget feel but they give a sense of realism that the subjected needed. Overall I thought this was well worth watching.
These comments are based on watching the film in Filipino with English subtitles.