I will watch this again someday & pay more attention to the story, which is entirely unique. That said, it's also artistically exceptional in spite of my dislike of the subtitled Swedish & black & white format.
In spite of its delightful weirdness - I honestly didn't fully get it -they really did keep it simple to understand. I just wasn't able to focus on it at the time while doing other things, which is how I 'watch' most movies.
The creativity level reminded me of Russian sci-fi, which is wonderfully unrestrained. But this is a true art-house horror of the demonic flavor, with lots of intriguing unknown dimensional-type science, & even the occulted technology stolen & kept secret for corrupt power.
I loved the rich artistic visuals, again exceptionally unique, not slick & shiny or dingy & gritty, but original & malevolent, with a thick tense atmosphere.
In spite of its delightful weirdness - I honestly didn't fully get it -they really did keep it simple to understand. I just wasn't able to focus on it at the time while doing other things, which is how I 'watch' most movies.
The creativity level reminded me of Russian sci-fi, which is wonderfully unrestrained. But this is a true art-house horror of the demonic flavor, with lots of intriguing unknown dimensional-type science, & even the occulted technology stolen & kept secret for corrupt power.
I loved the rich artistic visuals, again exceptionally unique, not slick & shiny or dingy & gritty, but original & malevolent, with a thick tense atmosphere.