Leonard Miller (Michael Todd) created Robot Ninja, a comic book that makes lots of money for his publisher Stanley Kane (Burt Ward) - named for two men who did the exact same to artists, Stan Lee and Bob Kane - but none for him. They even turn his violent comic book into a cartoon for kids.
As he grows depressed, he witnesses several crimes. When he tries to stop one, he's put into the hospital, which leads him to seek out a way to become his creation in real life.
Directed and written by J. R. Bookwalter (The Dead Next Door, Ozone), the story finds Leonard going to Dr. Goodknight (Bogdan Pecic) for weapons and powers, then going out into the world and acting like a 80s grim and gritty black and white comics explosion vigilante hero - think Tim Vigil's Grips, shout out to Matty Budrewicz for calling out how this is similar to Vigil's layouts in his article on the essential The Schlock Pit - along with tons of gore and violence.
This was produced by Dave DeCouteau, who it seems like is behind nearly every other movie that I watch. He was able to get Linnea Quigley for this.
I knew a dude in art school that spent some time trying to police his old high school, somewhere in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, wearing a Batman costume under his street clothes, waiting for the time when he was needed. He'd broken up with his girlfriend and had what I only figure was a break with our world and went into his own. I asked him why he told me his origin story, as I wondered if what if I was his arch enemy and he'd told me exactly what I needed to know to strike at his loved ones. He tried to throw me against a wall like he was Frank Miller Batman, except that, well, he didn't have any training or strength. I just laughed, to be honest. I thought that this was really funny at the time, but today that I'm older and look back on my younger days with a mixture of sadness and headshaking cringe, I feel very upset for him. If you stay away from reality and think that comics - or movies - are real, this is what happens.
Unless you decide to become a Robot Ninja.
That's totally fine.
As he grows depressed, he witnesses several crimes. When he tries to stop one, he's put into the hospital, which leads him to seek out a way to become his creation in real life.
Directed and written by J. R. Bookwalter (The Dead Next Door, Ozone), the story finds Leonard going to Dr. Goodknight (Bogdan Pecic) for weapons and powers, then going out into the world and acting like a 80s grim and gritty black and white comics explosion vigilante hero - think Tim Vigil's Grips, shout out to Matty Budrewicz for calling out how this is similar to Vigil's layouts in his article on the essential The Schlock Pit - along with tons of gore and violence.
This was produced by Dave DeCouteau, who it seems like is behind nearly every other movie that I watch. He was able to get Linnea Quigley for this.
I knew a dude in art school that spent some time trying to police his old high school, somewhere in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, wearing a Batman costume under his street clothes, waiting for the time when he was needed. He'd broken up with his girlfriend and had what I only figure was a break with our world and went into his own. I asked him why he told me his origin story, as I wondered if what if I was his arch enemy and he'd told me exactly what I needed to know to strike at his loved ones. He tried to throw me against a wall like he was Frank Miller Batman, except that, well, he didn't have any training or strength. I just laughed, to be honest. I thought that this was really funny at the time, but today that I'm older and look back on my younger days with a mixture of sadness and headshaking cringe, I feel very upset for him. If you stay away from reality and think that comics - or movies - are real, this is what happens.
Unless you decide to become a Robot Ninja.
That's totally fine.