Clara Bow stars as Ruby Nolan, a drug-store counter-girl in San Diego who maintains multiple sailor boyfriends from multiple ships. Her profitable juggling act is ruined, though, when the entire Pacific fleet is called into port and the various sailors learn of each other. They decide to get revenge against her by setting her up with hard-edged sailor "Bull's Eye" McCoy (Fredric March), who will lead her along and then drop her when she's good and hooked on him. But what happens if he starts to fall for her, too?
Bow is sharp and sassy as the manipulative Ruby, and she gets to sing a song, too. March does well in a role against type, a tough, street-smart roughneck. I'm not sure how much of the main premise of this would remain post-Code, as Bow's multiple boyfriends may have seemed too indecent. In the end, this is a slight, though entertaining, diversion.
Bow is sharp and sassy as the manipulative Ruby, and she gets to sing a song, too. March does well in a role against type, a tough, street-smart roughneck. I'm not sure how much of the main premise of this would remain post-Code, as Bow's multiple boyfriends may have seemed too indecent. In the end, this is a slight, though entertaining, diversion.