An excellent historical series in Arabic and translated into more than seven languages (English - Spanish - Indonesian - German - Turkish - Chinese - Urdu)
I invite everyone to watch the episodes of the series on the YouTube Artistic Production Company channel
The series of the series is 30 TV episodes.
A historical series that tells one of the stories of the Islamic conquests that the Arabs are proud of, and the lessons they offer in courage, sacrifice, faith and sincerity ..
The series begins with scenes of the exercises of the conqueror leaders in the arts of fighting, physical skills, the spirit of fighting and collective cooperation, trained by their Sheikh Abu Basir, and he was one of the soldiers of Uqba bin Nafi and struggled with him in his battles in opening Africa .. Then we move to enter the Muslims, the city of Tangier on the day of its conquest in 89 AH, led by Prince Musa bin Naseer and Tariq bin Ziyad and a group of leaders and conquerors, and Moses addresses people that they came with goodness, safety, justice and mercy, and every citizen will deliver his property and exercise his religion as he wants The markets are close to people and people to feel sincere Muslims as they came.
A historical series that tells one of the stories of the Islamic conquests that the Arabs are proud of, and the lessons they offer in courage, sacrifice, faith and sincerity ..
The series begins with scenes of the exercises of the conqueror leaders in the arts of fighting, physical skills, the spirit of fighting and collective cooperation, trained by their Sheikh Abu Basir, and he was one of the soldiers of Uqba bin Nafi and struggled with him in his battles in opening Africa .. Then we move to enter the Muslims, the city of Tangier on the day of its conquest in 89 AH, led by Prince Musa bin Naseer and Tariq bin Ziyad and a group of leaders and conquerors, and Moses addresses people that they came with goodness, safety, justice and mercy, and every citizen will deliver his property and exercise his religion as he wants The markets are close to people and people to feel sincere Muslims as they came.