So let me start with saying that i have been a fan of isekai category for more than a year now and i have watched almost all on this category and keep on watching these even the ones having the worst kind of rating... So considering everything about this anime , the art is cool the mc is not the typical someone who are either too shocked that they are overpowered or are too arrogant that they are overpowered, i like how the mc is like wow , i didn't know it was that powerful and does not get too full of himself , it's perfectly balanced between not showing off too much like that time i got reincarnated as slime and neither too less like eminence in shadow. Mc does what he has to. Overall would say it's not worth to binge watch it , cause it might be boring then but if you watch about 2 episodes everyday then this series would bloom at its full potential. Happy watching fellas.