This film essentially begins with a squad of cavalry escorting a prisoner known simply as "Corbin" (Baynes Barron) through Apache territory to a fort to stand trial over 100 miles away. However, on the way there, their squad is decimated by an Apache war party which leaves a man named "Sergeant Matt Blake" (Scott Brady) responsible for the delivery of his prisoner. As luck would have it, the cavalry squad comes across a few former confederate soldiers were taking part in a cattle drive but encountered a separate Apache war party on the way. That being said, while none of the former confederates have any great desire to serve with these cavalry soldiers, they realize that their only hope of survival depends on doing just that. It is then revealed that, along with their prisoner, the cavalry squad also has a great number of repeating rifles which Corbin had been planning on selling to the Apache. Needless to say, knowing how badly the Apache want these rifles, everyone now realizes that time is not on their side and that, if they are going to survive, they must make it to the fort as quickly as possible. What they don't realize, however, is that the Apache are equally determined to slow them down--and they have an idea on how to do just that. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an okay Western which suffered to some degree by its rather low budget. As far as the acting was concerned, everyone played their parts well enough but nobody--to include Clint Eastwood (as the bitter confederate cowboy named "Keith Williams")--really impressed me that much. To be sure, he wasn't necessarily bad, by any means. It just wasn't one of his better performances. Regardless, while certainly not a great Western, it managed to pass the time well enough, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
Review of Ambush at Cimarron Pass
Ambush at Cimarron Pass
Two Bitter Enemies Having to Join Forces in Order to Survive
25 January 2023