. . . garlic is far stronger than spinach. GREEK MIRTH ALOE GEE bears this out, showing that Popeye was twice as muscular before being compelled to switch from his preferred spicy garlic to ill-tasting spinach. Which raises the question, WHY did the picture people force this distasteful change upon America's popular sailor man? To answer this question, you need to go back to Popeye's origins. He came of age in the Depths of America's Great Depression, when most of the population had to rely upon shoe leather, grubs, dandelion greens, crab apples, Queen Anne's Lace, meal worms and spinach for their sustenance. Garlic was classified as a "Luxury Food" along with caviar and truffles, available only to the Rich. Now that Red China has cornered the market on 74% of the world's garlic supply, things are not much better Today.
Review of Greek Mirthology
Greek Mirthology
As any cook worth her salt well knows . . .
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers