'Rajneeti: Part 1' benefits from an ensemble star cast and films boasting of such ensemble barely falters unless it is Rajesh Jashpal's 2018 release 'Underworld'. As the restrained and well composed editor-in-chief, Tapan Das is theatrical and Zubeen Garg as a rebel and a nonconformist is straight outta the sets of his 2019 blockbuster 'Kanchanjangha'. Both Tapan Das and Zubeen Garg gets to deliver explosive dialogues. Meanwhile, Barsha Rani Bishaya's performance as an enthusiastic and brave young anchor looking for a chance to prove herself is credible, while Geetawali Rajkumari shares some depth in her extended cameo. There are multiple characters but they don't feel close enough and appear distant from each other. Even the characters of Barasha and Zubeen are not in love enough. This is because, 'Rajneeti: Part 1' prioritises the urgency of the plot over its characters.
Full Review: shorturl.at/clquV (copy paste this link in a browser)
Full Review: shorturl.at/clquV (copy paste this link in a browser)