"Spoiler Alert" tells the story of Michael (played by Jim Parsons), a shy and guarded pop-culture junkie who is hesitant to explore the gay bar scene in Manhattan. However, on a rare night out with a colleague from TV Guide, he meets Kit (played by Ben Aldridge), the man who ends up being the love of his life. Kit has the confidence and coolness that Michael wishes he had, and the two begin a relationship.
Throughout the film, the chemistry between Parsons and Aldridge is electric, and their witty banter is a highlight. The film does a good job of showing the lovable sides of both characters, and you can see why they would fall so deeply in love. However, the film also covers the struggles of long-term relationships, including ordinary spats and more serious health issues.
While the film follows the typical tragic ending for LGBTQ+ movies, it is still a sweet and touching dramedy that will resonate with audiences. Director Michael Showalter incorporates some surreal elements into the film, but they don't quite work as well as the realistic and true-to-life details. Overall, "Spoiler Alert" is a well-acted and heartfelt film that is worth watching.
Throughout the film, the chemistry between Parsons and Aldridge is electric, and their witty banter is a highlight. The film does a good job of showing the lovable sides of both characters, and you can see why they would fall so deeply in love. However, the film also covers the struggles of long-term relationships, including ordinary spats and more serious health issues.
While the film follows the typical tragic ending for LGBTQ+ movies, it is still a sweet and touching dramedy that will resonate with audiences. Director Michael Showalter incorporates some surreal elements into the film, but they don't quite work as well as the realistic and true-to-life details. Overall, "Spoiler Alert" is a well-acted and heartfelt film that is worth watching.