This show HATES its audience. It should not have been named Velma. Even the dubbing is odd. Glenn Howerton basically plays Dennis from IASIP as usual but in Fred's body. Daphne is crass, mean and vulgar and Velma is Mindy Kailing.
I don't understand why this is what we get when attempting something adult with the Scooby Doo IP. No one asked for this. The hate is warranted - it's an acceptable, albeit unfunny animation show that thinks it's a lot better than it is.
This was my main issue with the first two episodes: you can tell the writer's room was comprised of mostly "yes" people who thought every idea was edgy and current. Instead the finished product resulted in a convoluted, mean-spirited and just all around embarrassing start.
I don't understand why this is what we get when attempting something adult with the Scooby Doo IP. No one asked for this. The hate is warranted - it's an acceptable, albeit unfunny animation show that thinks it's a lot better than it is.
This was my main issue with the first two episodes: you can tell the writer's room was comprised of mostly "yes" people who thought every idea was edgy and current. Instead the finished product resulted in a convoluted, mean-spirited and just all around embarrassing start.