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Silly 80s sex comedy that got lost in the shuffle
22 December 2022
Picked this up at a church sale for $1 because I never pass up obscure 80s fun, Don't remember this movie coming out, and this one isn't anything to write home about, it came out the same time as Twins, Big, Beetlejuice, Naked Gun, Heathers, and Cocoon, its no wonder I never heard about it, should have come out in 84 and it might have had a chance lol. So except for the fact it has Herb Tarleck, a couple of the Empty Next tv show stars, a young Brigette Fonda (see her in Jackie Brown or Point Of No Return) and the surprise cherry on top Marete Van Kamp, of Princess Daisy, Osterman weekend (opening scene) or Poison Ivy 3 as the Beverly Hills mom at the start, playing a sexy nymph who falls for the lead. Watch it for old 80s Hollywood and L. A scenes you will remember if you were in LA back in 87 like I was, Sunset Blvd, Hollywood Blvd, downtown, good clean fun, Don't expect much just enjoy it for the innocence of the time and happy go lucky hold back on reality types of films of that era. Silly and fun, good for a Sunday Aft after you watch Funny Farm with Chevy Chase lol.
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