This series throws one offensive stereotype after another at you like a desperate boxer throwing punches at his opponent. A show so bad that it's gotten big almost exclusively on bad reviews, generating publicity rivaling that of Squid Game locally within days of its release. The protagonist is supposed to strike a chord with the audience, but is outright obnoxious, nosy, self-righteous, self-pitying, and irresponsible from the get-go, making her impossible to identify with. Almost every character, from the parents to the interviewers to the landlady, is a stereotyping and ill-devised satire of their real-world counterparts, and every boring event seems to be designed to make you hate the titular city. This show is offensive on so many levels it will no doubt be revisited by many long after its conclusion for being the ultimate antithesis of everything good about TV series. Congratulations to Disneyplus and the writers, whose poor taste has spawned this unlikely hit.